Business case on MS woes

Describe the human resource planning implications for Microsoft in terms of the SOOT anally;s. HRS planning at Microsoft may consider performing Its own SOOT analysis to enhance higher-level analyses at the company. We should expect that the firm’s HRS planning would Include points such as : Strengths: ; Talented employees at the “top of their game” In the Industry ; Reputation as an Industry leader Weaknesses: ; Conflict management )limiting) ; Compensation and benefits are no longer perceived as competitive or favorable

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Opportunities: More aggressive and focused recruiting efforts Marketing existing compensation and benefits Threats: Competitors, such as Google and e-bay. New entries into the industry 2. In your opinion, could these dramatic resignations have been predicted by Microsoft management? Defend your position. History repeats itself. In other industries, the front-runners eventually faced competition in the marketplace for customers and resources, which includes human resources. Microsoft had solid communication mechanisms in place to field feedback from dissatisfied employees, management may have known about the pending exits. Many companies experience turnover after benefits are reduced or changed. Many companies experience turnover after “start-up” because employees who are successful at start-ups look for new opportunities once businesses are off- the-ground.

Thus, considering all above grounds, I think Microsoft has predicted those resignations and prepared their alternative backup plan. . Using- Exhibit 5. 1, describe the strategic Implication from the outflow of creative talent at Microsoft . Without people, the structure has gaps. If the structure Isn’t solid, the strategy doesn’t have the support It needs. Goals run the risk of not being met, making It difficult for the company to achieve Its Nilsson. Business case on MS woes By shove_ad SOOT analysts.

HRS planning at Microsoft may consider performing its own SOOT analysis to enhance would include points such as : Strengths: Talented employees at the “top of their game” in the industry ; Reputation as an industry leader ; Conflict management )infighting) ; Compensation and benefits are no longer perceived as competitive or favorable 3. Using- Exhibit 5. 1, describe the strategic implication from the outflow of creative Without people, the structure has gaps. If the structure isn’t solid, the strategy doesn’t have the support it needs. Goals run the risk of not being met, making it difficult for the company to achieve its mission.