Business communication

Can you live on your own without talking to any one for Just one day!? Can you imagine how our lives without talking to people? Of course is very difficult because communication with other people is very Important In our daily lives, so the person can’t live alone without communicating with his family, friends and other members of the society. No one can know what you think about If you do not tell and explain what Is Inside your mind. The person who can communicate effectively and correctly Is a successful person and can achieve his goals in an easy way. That means our success depends on our ability to communicate effectively.

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We need to communicate everywhere, at home, colleges, schools and different organizations, even in business organizations. Therefore, it is important to know how to communicate in a good way in these organizations and companies to achieve massive success. So what is communication? What are the business organizations? What is business communication? Communication is defined as: “to send Information, ideas and opinions from person to another in organization through a proper channel, that may dead to a particular result, a change in behavior or a change In practices” (Valuable, 1 992).

There are four basic elements of communication which are the sender, receiver, massage and channel. The sender Is the person who creates the message and sends It to the receiver that gets the message. The response of the receiver called feedback and the way that they use for sending this message called the channel, either the problems that arise in this communication are called noise. Each of the sender and receiver in the process of communication share the responsibility of making the message easy and clear. This communication can be verbal or non- verbal. Also, it can be a written communication.

Verbal communication means everything that comes from the person, such as speech and words through verbal expression. The main components of verbal communication are sound, speaking, language and words. To succeed that, the words must mean the same thing for the sender and the receiver and the message should be based on shared experience. Also be aware that different audiences may need different words. Unlike Nonverbal communication Is the process of sending and receiving messages through a different says without using verbal symbols, it’s a known as ‘body language’.

It is also defined as everything that comes from human body like movements, gesture, signals, facial expressions and sound which affect the communication process between the sender and the receiver. Furthermore, nonverbal communication is very important to send massages when we communicate with other people, because the messages become clearer and easily translated. ( Lucas,2010) Business is an organization that is providing a good or service to get profits. The business environment is set of social, gal, economic, and Political conditions that are uncontrollable in nature and it affects the organizations functions.

This environment consists of many components like suppliers, customers, market intermediaries, competitors and the public. Suppliers are the persons who provide raw materials and basic components needed by the companies and must be reliable. The company usually does not have dependence on one supplier. The customer is the one who gets and buys the organizations or companies. Market Intermediaries are the link between the customer and the business. Competitors are any businesses that are against another and provide similar products in a similar industry. The public is any group who has interest in business, such as media. Rouse ,2005)Alpha Business communication is any communication used to promote and develop a products or services in business organizations. In business communication you can send the message through a variety of ways including Internet, newspapers, radio, television and face to face meetings. There are two types of Business communication which are external communication and internal communication. Internal communication is between persons or employees within a one organization, and it has three forms, Upward, that is to send the messages from the management to the employees so, that means from the highest level to the below levels.

The second form, downward communication, is against upward communication. It is to send the messages from the employees to the management. That means from the below level to highest level. The last form is horizontal and it is between people from the same level such as, discussion between employees. The second type of business communication is external communication which is between people inside the organization and people from outside the organization, such as communication between employees and customers (Adman, 2008).

There are many benefits to the business through communication, whether that was external or internal communication. One of these benefits is building a good relationship between employees, this close relationship between employees in business organizations make the exchange of information, ideas, and experiences easier among them, as well as cooperation in achieving success and solving all the robbers that they face in the business. Teamwork is always the best.

Another benefit is the close relationship with the customers through external communication, which increases their dealings with this organizations and attracts other customers. Also, they can understand the needs of these customers to be provided through communication with them. As well as good communication between managers and employees, it can help the employees to understand their work and gives them more confidence that increases productivity. (Measures, N. D) In conclusion, effective seines communication skills are very successful in business organization.

They can help the organization in achieving its goals, but sometimes the communication process can be unsuccessful for many reasons, which should be avoided. For effective communication you must follow number of steps. First you have to be good speakers by using good words, and good listeners through listening to what the speaker says. Also, it is important to ask the speaker to clarify some of the points that you did not understand, to avoid misunderstandings. Finally by understanding the other party, communication succeeds easily.