Career patting

This means that they operate as part of the management team, ensure that HRS activities support the achievement of business strategies on a continuous basis, and are consciously concerned with seeing that their activities add value. Reference: b-Angstrom_Handbook_ of _Strategic_Human_ Resource Career patting is the process used by an employee to chart a course within an organization for his or her career path and career development.

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Career patting involves understanding what knowledge, skills, personal characteristics, and experience are required for an employee to progress his or her career laterally, or through access to promotions and / or departmental transfers. Career patting squires an employee to take an honest look at his or her career goals, skills, needed knowledge, experience, and personal characteristics.

Career patting requires the employee to make a plan to obtain what is necessary in each of these areas to carry out his or her career path. With a written career path plan, the employee can approach Human Resources and his or her supervisor for assistance in making the plan happen. In organizations that have a formal process for career patting in place, such as performance development planning (PDP), the employee receives some support ND assistance in his or her efforts to develop a career path.

The performance appraisal, in some organizations, is also an opportunity for career patting. Career patting is also perceived, in organizations with a formal process, as having institutional support. Here is more career path information. You will find out how an employee can seek assistance in career path development and how organizations can support employees in their efforts to develop and pursue a career path. Http://humorousness. About. Com/odd/glossary/g/career-patting. HTML