Child development

Procedures and systems provide clear step;by; step guidance on what to do in different circumstances and they clarify roles and responsibilities. S'”teems for recording information and dealing with complaints are also needed to ensure implementation and compliance. Child protection procedures should be linked with the Local Safeguarding Children Board’s procedures or the All Wales Child Protection Procedures, as relevant.

The procedures and systems should include: A named person (and deputy) with a clearly defined role and responsibilities in relation to child protection. Appropriate to the level at which sin-,e operates, A description of what child abuse is. And the procedures for how to respond to it Where there are concerns about a child’s safety or welfare or concerns about the actions Of trustee, staff member or volunteer.

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Relevant contact details for children’s services, police, and health and NSP helpline should be available. A process for recording incidents, concerns and referrals and storing these securely ‘n compliance With relevant legislation and kept for a time specified by your insurance Guidance on confidentiality and Information sharing, legislation compliant, and which clearly states that the protection of the child is the most Important consideration.

Child development

The First month. Normative physical development. Gross Motor Skills. The baby can Ill down. When placed on their front the baby turns their head to one side. Sitting position, the head will lag,back curves and head will fall. Fine motor skills. The baby turns towards the light and stares at bright shiny objects. ; is amazed by faces and will stare at the career. The baby makes a tight fist. When In the The baby The baby is startled by loud noises but can be soothed by soft music. Normative communication and language development.

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The baby’s need all forms of communication from other people from birth onwards. ; The baby will react to familiar sounds. The baby Is comforted when picked up. The baby makes eye contact. The baby cries when in need of food, bottle, nappy changed or wind. ; will look towards the area of sound. Normative cognitive development. Touch and movement (kinesthesia) The baby feels pain from birth. The baby’s most sensitive parts are the face, abdomen, hands and the soles of the foot. ; The baby perceive the movements that he or she makes themselves and the ay they are moved , through their senses. The baby Is startled if they are moved suddenly, known as the moor or startle reflex. Sound The baby will turn and listen to sound. The baby may stop crying when they here a human voice. Taste The baby from a young age will like sweet taste egg breast milk Smell The baby is attracted to the smell of Brest milk Sight The baby can focus on objects up to a distance of CACM. The baby is sensitive to light The baby likes to give eye contact The baby can track the movements of people and objects The baby will scan the edge of an object

The baby will copy facial expressions egg putting their touting out. ; The baby may be color blind at early stages of development. Normative emotional and social development The baby will copy certain facial expressions. The baby uses bodily movements to express pleasure. The baby likes to be cuddled and fed. The baby learns where their body begins and ends egg that his or her hand is part of them but their mothers is not. Holistic development from 1 to 4 months Normative physical development Gross motor skills The baby can turn from side to back The baby can lift their head slightly

The arm and legs are moved Jerky. The head will lag when the baby is in sitting position When the baby is lying on their back the head is in central position. Skills. 4 to 8 weeks. The baby use the palmer grasp on the careers finger The baby will show interest to the careers face and stare attentively . ; is attracted to bright shiny objects 1 to 4 months Fine motor The baby can lift their head and chest off the bed when in the prone position , supported on forearms. ; There is almost no head lag when in the sitting position The legs kick rapidly.

The baby can wave their arms and bring ands together over their body 8 to 12 weeks the baby will follow and adults movements with their head the baby pays attention to his or her hands the baby will hold a rattle for a moment before dropping it Normative communication and language development 4 to 8 weeks the baby recognizes familiar faces and objects. The baby cooks and gurgles. The baby’s cries become more expressive . The baby will look for sounds. 8 to 12 weeks the baby is startled by loud noises the baby will makes sucking motion when they hear food being prepared. baby gets excited when hearing a person approach. First 3 months The baby listens to voices The baby cries for company The Inferno of the mother and father the baby dances, listens and replies in babble and coo. ; The baby cries with anger to express their needs. A baby with hearing problems babbles and cries too. The baby is comforted by familiar voices. The baby recognizes different sounds. The baby can imitate high pitched sounds. The baby links voices with the faces egg mother and father. ; scent of their own mother. Normative emotional and social development

The baby will smile at humans. The baby likes sucking. The baby turns to the speakers face The baby turns to familiar voices The baby knows the The baby recognizes the face and hands of their preferred adult ; The baby will be comforted from crying when he or she hears their career. 8 to 12 weeks The baby shows thrill at routines such as bathetic The baby responds with pleasure to attention The baby stares attentively on careers face when feeding The baby stays awake for longer periods. Holistic development from 4 to 6 months The baby uses palmer grasp.

The baby shows interest in activities The baby takes every object to the mouth The baby moves their head to follow people and objects. Fine motor skills The baby now has good head control. Beginning to sit with the aid of support. ; The baby rolls from back to side. The baby reaches for objects. The baby plays with their feet The baby is more aware of others and communicates more often. ; The baby reacts to the tone of someone’s voice for example the baby might become upset by an angry tone or cheered up by a happy tone. ; The baby begins to use vowels for egg ‘ah ‘ ‘e’

The baby makes laughs with pleasure and excitement Normative cognitive development At 4 months the baby grabs for objects. Can recognize the distance of an object. ; The baby enjoys bright colors The baby knows they have one mother, baby will be disturbed if they see more than one image of their mother at the same time. ; They can coordinate more egg see the rattle , grab the rattle , put the rattle in their mouth ; The baby can develop favorites in food taste. The baby shows trust and security The baby has sleep patterns Holistic development from 6 to 9 months Gross motto