Customer Satisfaction in Retail Banking Vietnam

Customer satisfaction is a major issue in almost all sectors. This can basically determine the success and profitability of a company as a satisfied customer would most likely to ‘spread the good word’ or would have be happy to do business again with the firm. It is an Important theoretical and practical Issue for market researchers and consumer researchers. After all, customer satisfaction Is Inarguably one of the two core concepts that are at the root of the marketing theory and practice.

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As of December 31, 2010, Vietnam Export Import Commercial Joint Stock Bank has developed a nationwide network with its Head Office located in Ho Chi Mini City and 83 branches and transaction offices in Ha Not, Hay Phone, Nigh An, Quant Nine, Quant Angina, Dad Nag, Hue, Nah Train, Lam Dong, Dacca Lace, Bin Dung, Dong Nat, Baa Aria Bung Taut, Ho Chi Mini City, Long An, An Giant, Teen Giant, Can Too and Back Lieu and has established correspondent banking relationship with over 852 banks and Based on personal experience, Examining offers quality professional service to its customers.

Furthermore, the study might encounter new issues that deserve to be investigated in future studies. Finally, the findings of the study can be reviewed and used for comparison in future studies about customer satisfaction. Thus, this study will be beneficial to both banking companies and market and consumer researchers. Review of Literature According to Zinfandel (2000), customer satisfaction brings many benefits as satisfied customers are not very price sensitive, buy additional products, are less influenced by competitors and stay loyal longer.

Rust and Submarine (1992) stated that customer satisfaction has been deemed directly to affect customer retention and companies’ market share (Rust and Submarine, 1992). In banks, service quality, service features, and customer- complaint handling determine customer satisfaction (Handshake and Albinos, 2004). According to Growth and Dye (1999), customer criteria determine the definition of quality and the variables that affect perceptions of quality. They explained that variables may change with circumstance, experience, and time.

In addition, service providers may influence the variables that drive customer perception to service quality. The perception of the customers may also vary by circumstances, time, and experiences (Growth and Dye, 1999). Armstrong and Seen (2000) attempted to conceptualize a comprehensive model of satisfaction at the business-to-business level incorporating Guiana (Chinese business relationships), relationship marketing and the discrimination paradigm. Using the path analysis, their study found that fairness exerts a negligible impact on corporate customer satisfaction.

Performance is based on the perception of the consumers or costumers on the service quality of the bank. Quality can also be used to measure satisfaction as quality basically means to satisfy costumers. One of the known models to measure quality is SURVIVAL. It is an instrument being used to measure perceived service in terms of the gaps between customer expectations and actual Judgment of performance along five dimensions of service quality namely: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy (Paranormal et al, 1998).

Methodology Sampling The respondents of the study will consist of customers of Examining and with the company for two months up. The reason for this is to make sure that they have enough time to evaluate the service of Examining and if it satisfies them. The managers to be surveyed, on the other hand, should have knowledge about customer complains and customer satisfaction in the company. They should be aware of what is usually being complained and being praised. The survey will be conducted on five branches of Examining. The sampling technique to be used is convenience sampling to make the process faster and easier. 00 customers from each branch will be surveyed. However, 20 questionnaires will be piloted first to test the validity of the questionnaire. Five managers on the other hand, will be surveyed from each brand for basic information about their customer satisfaction approach and how they measure it. Data Collection The survey method, also known as the questionnaire method, will be used in gathering the data. Surveys are the most common form of research method for collection of primary data (Commonwealth of Learning, 2000). One of its purpose is to describe, e. . , to count the frequency of some event or to assess the distribution of some variables such as proportion of the population of different age groups, sex, religion, castes and languages, knowledge, attitude and adoption of practices about particular issues, and other information of similar nature about the population (Commonwealth of Learning, 2000). A self-administered questionnaire, or the type of questionnaire that is usually completed by respondents (Saunders et al, 2003), will be constructed to gather the needed data.

This questionnaire will have two sections: the first part intended to acquire the demographic profile of the respondents, and the other section comprised of a set of attitude statements that intends to determine the level of agreement or disagreement using a five-point Liker scale. In the Liker technique, the degree of agreement or disagreement) is given a numerical value ranging from one to five, thus total numerical value can be calculated from all the responses. (Underworld, 2004) The equivalent weights for the answers were: Range 4. 50 – 5. 00 3. 50 – 4. 0 2. 50 – 3. 49 1. 50- 2. 49 0. 00- 1. 49 Interpretation Strongly Agree Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly Disagree The framework to be used in measuring customer satisfaction in the study will be the group of paradigms used by Armstrong and Seen (2000). They are: transactional paradigm; repurchase intention; fairness; and relationship marketing. The frequency distribution analysis, and the comparison of mean, median and mode will be used in the study. To interpret the data to be gathered, the researcher will use the following statistical formulae: 1 .

Percentage – to determine the magnitude of the responses to the questionnaire. % -? -? x 100 ; n- number of responses N – total number of respondents 2. Weighted Mean fix +fake +fake+fax + fax where: f- weight given to each response x – number of responses Ext – total number of responses Conclusion Customer satisfaction is a crucial factor that can determine the success of a business. People have different perception of satisfaction. People found customer satisfaction highly significant with discrimination, relationship marketing and reference on the service.

But do these results can also be seen in the Vietnamese setting? There are many possibilities and the results might reveal important characteristics on how Examining perceive customer satisfaction. Quantitative research method is the only method that will be used in this study. The main purpose of avoiding qualitative research is to be able to categorize the responses easily with a considerable amount of sample size. The statistical results based on the framework of Armstrong and Seen (2000) will help determine the level of satisfaction among Vietnamese bank customers.

Furthermore, the survey with the managers of Examining will help determine the type of measurement they use on determining customer satisfaction. By reviewing the weak and strong points of the different measurements used, it is hoped that the researcher can conclude measurement model that will be effective. Assumptions The following are the assumptions of the study: 1. That the 500 customers will represent the total number of customers will reveal the factors that affect customer satisfaction and will confirm customer satisfaction’s link to profit. Timeshare June – July 2013: review of literature