Executive Development Programs

In this time of free market economy, all firms are competing with each other to minimize the cost of production and to create more values with the product and service they dealt with. A successful competing firm can do this Job efficiently and can maximize its profit through skilled workforce. That’s why, all organizations give prime focus on executive development practices to cope with the standard of the rest of the world. A substantial number of training and development methods are used in different institutes in Bangladesh. But all methods are not used in all organizations in totally.

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The development methods vary from organization to organization. It depends on the organization’s culture, behavior and philosophy. The methods have similar types of functions all over the world. More or less, each and every organization uses these functions in the same way but in different patterns. Objectives of the study: Broad Objective: The broad objective of the study is to evaluate the executive development programs in the banking sector in Bangladesh. Specific objective: The specific objectives of the study are : a) To investigate the executive development programs of the Banks of Bangladesh. To appraise the evaluation system of the executive development programs. C) To find out the major strength and weakness of development practices of the banks and suggest for the improvement of the practices. Literature Review: Human potential to learn is unlimited unless individuals do not limit their abilities within their minds. Many studies have shown that investing in executive development programs has larger business effects than investing in equipment and other material resources. Our organizations must harmonize their approach to executive development with the changes.

Development practice has to be connected with the organization goals and strategy, they need to fulfill the new requirements with the environment. It needs to become a managerial function. It is a managerial challenge to consider the employees of the organization form a strategic perspective (future oriented news) and constantly monitor and encourage the development of new skills and knowledge as the foundation of organization development. This is not about assigning the employee to appropriate Jobs, but rather about the constant dynamic of encouraging and discovering new possibilities.

This is a new type of leadership, significantly different form the classical model of organization management. The methodology which will be used for carrying out the reports is as follows: For this research work, primary and secondary data will be used. The two sources of data and information to be explored are as follows: Primary sources of data: 1. Sampling: The information will be collected from five purposively selected banks in Bangladesh will be taken as sample for the study. 2.

Questionnaire and surveys: This will include both close ended and open ended questions, providing limited answer to specific responses or on a numeric scales. The secondary data: The publications of the companies. Dacha University Journals of the faculty of business and different department. Different books, Journals, articles and newspapers. Company’s official records. Website of commercial banks. Conclusion : Executive development program is a continuous procedure which is the only meaningful and logical approach in the condition of knowledge obsolescence, dynamic changes and increasing need for constant product and service innovations.