Personnel management is a responsibility of all those who manage people as well as being a description of the work of those who are employed as specialists. It is that part of management which is concerned with the people at work and with their relationships within an enterprise. It applies not only to an organisation but to all fields of employment”. This definition can be summarized as follows : 1.Personnel management is a responsibility of all line managers in an organization, viz., general manager, production manager, marketing manager, finance manager, etc., and it is a staff function, i.e., it is the function of personnel manager who is appointed as a specialist. Thus, all managers in the organization are vitally concerned with personnel management as they must achieve organizational goals through other people’s efforts.
2. Personnel management is a part of management. This part is concerned with the people and their relationship within an organization. Personnel department also performs various functions of employment, training and development. It represents management in many of the relationships that affect the organization as a whole. It is also responsible for representing various workers problems to management.
Responsibilities within Personnel Department: As other managers the manager-personnel is also a line manager in relation to subordinates within the personnel department. Personnel Manager is responsible for the success or failure of his department in contributing to the organizational goals. In most of the organizations the personnel manager is responsible for supervising the activities of his subordinates, like employment manager, wage and salary manager, manager for training and development, manager-industrial relations etc. He is also responsible for the operations of personnel manager at divisional and branch levels
As the Chief of the Personnel Department the Personnel Manager has to get effective results with the co-operation of all the employees working in the department and by showing the validity of the concept of the team work. The success of the personnel department should be considered in terms of its own individual performance.
Strategic Role of Human Resource Management Human resource management is concerned with the development and implementation of people strategies, which are related with corporate strategies, and ensures that the culture, values and structure of the organization, and the quality, motivation and commitment of its members contribute fully to the achievement of its goals. HRM is concerned with carrying out the same functional activities traditionally performed by the personnel function, such as HR planning, job analysis, recruitment and selection, employee relations, performance management, employee appraisals, compensation management, training and development etc. But, the HRM approach performs these functions in a different way as compared to personnel management.
The role of the HR manager should be according to the needs of his changing organization. Human resource management is the phrase that everyone uses to describe the set of functions that once fell under the category of personnel management or personnel administration. We can see this particular aspect of the business as the decision, activities and process that must meets the basic needs and support the work of employees. The most common areas that falls under HRM are as follows. Strategic partner In today’s organisation to guarantee your domination and ability to contribute, HR managers need to think of themselves as strategic partner. In this role HR persons contribute to the development and the accomplishment of the organisation plan and objectives.
Training and Developing Employees Ensure that your staff’s gains all the knowledge, information’s and experience to help your country expand and continue to meet the changing needs of customers. Compensations and Benefits Establishing effective and attractive wages and give different benefits to your employee to keep interest and faith on you so, they deliver their best for the organisation.
Champion change The constant evaluation of the effectiveness of the organization results in the need for the HR professional to frequently champion change. To promote the overall success of his organization, he makes the champion identification of the organizational mission, vision, values, goals and action plans. Finally, he helps to determine the measures that will tell his organization how well it is succeeding in all of this.
Difference between personnel management and HRM Personnel Management is basically an administrative record-keeping function, at the operational level. Personnel management intends to maintain fair terms and condition of employment. While at the same time maintain and managed personnel activities for individual department. It is believed that the outcome from providing justice and achieving efficiency in personnel management will result in achieving organisational success.
On the other hand, HRM is concerned with development and implementation of people strategies which are integrated with corporate strategies and ensures that the culture, values and structure of the organization, and the quality, motivation and commitment of its members contribute fully to the achievement of its goals.