Intellectual and language development

Intellectual and language development Introduction Intellectual development Is what a child thinks about and how they understand the world. It Is the way In which a child takes In and processes Information and familiarizes themselves with objects and other people in the attempt to learn about the world around them.

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The two main areas of intellectual development are cognitive development and language development. Cognitive development is involved of infants and young children’s ability to process the world around them through taste, touch, sound, smells and sight and language velveteen is a unique skill that allows children to communicate with others.

Age Language Cognitive Birth-I month The baby responds to sound They make eye contact Babies need to co-operate with others from birth onwards The baby moves their eyes towards the direction of sound Babies cry to indicates needs. Egg- hunger Touch Babies feel pain from birth Babies face hand and soles are sensitive to touch The baby give a startle response if they are moved suddenly (Moor reflex) Sound Babies often stop crying and listens to a human voice Babies react more to high sounds Taste

Babies like sweet tastes Smell Babies turn to the smell of milk Sight Babies can focus on objects CACM away The baby is sensitive to light Babies like staring at human faces The baby will intimate facial expressions 1-4 months The baby recognizes familial objects The baby cries become more expressive The baby becomes distressed by sudden noises They baby licks their lips when they hear the sound of food preparation The baby cries with anger to show they are hungry or tired The baby listens to peoples voices Babies are comforted by voices that they are familiar with

Babies link objects with their known sounds The baby can imitate low or high pitched sounds 4-6 months Babies become more aware of others so they start to communicate more The baby begins to use vowels, consonant and syllable sounds They baby will begin to laugh As the baby listens they will react to the tone of someone’s voice The baby will rather look at bright colors They baby can develop their favorite tastes They will start to co-ordinate more such as reaching, grasping and sucking The baby knows that they have one mother The baby realizes that people are permanent before they realism objects are 6-9 months Babies begin to repeat sounds Babies begin to understand words Babbles become more tuneful The baby understands signs The baby shows that objects exist even when they are out of sight They become more fascinated by the way objects move 9-12 months The baby can follow simple instructions Word approximations appear The tuneful babble develops into Jargon The babble becomes very expressive The baby knows words stand for people, objects and what they do They begin to evolve images The baby can anticipate the future They baby gives some understanding of routine daily sequences The baby imitate action, sounds and gestures 1 year The child begins to talk with words or sign language The child enjoys trying to sing The child has a big interest in books with pictures The child echoes the last part of what others say The child begins waving his or her arms up and down The child understands the names of objects The child can follow instructions They learn about trail and error They start to scribble on paper The child often talks to themselves while playing They child uses toys to represents things in real life 2 year Children become confident speakers The child over extends the use of words The child talks about and absent object The child uses phrases The child can follow requests The child wants to share songs and dance with you The child memory skills improve The child can hold a crayon The child understands cause and effects The child talk about an absent object 3 year The child begins to use plurals, pronouns and adjectives The child might muddle up their speak They start to think faster The child enjoys much more complicated stories

The child develops symbolic behavior The child talks They child plays The child takes part in non-competitive games The child represents events in drawings The child can identify colors 4 year The child becomes more inquisitive and asks why, when and how Past, presents and future tenses are used more often The child can be taught their name, address and age They become more accurate with their pronunciation The child know how to count up to 20 The child understands ideas such as big and small The chide will recognize their name when written down and can usually write it The hill enjoys music and playing with instruments The child can think about things from somebody else’s point of view 5-8 years The child tries to understand the meaning of words The child talks confidently The child begins to realism that different situations require different ways of talking They start to communication through body language and gestures The child includes more detail in drawing The child enjoys chanting and counting The child is able to hold more than one point of view The child has a better understanding between real and unreal 8-11 years

The child uses and understand complex sentences The child enjoy making up stories and telling them The child uses references books with increasing skills The child can write lengthy essays The child can write stories that shows imagination The child has an increased ability to remember and pay attention to people speaking and express their ideas The child is learning to plan ahead The child has an increased ability to think The child can dead with abstract ideas They child enjoys projects The child begins to understand the motives behind actions of another The child can incarcerate on tasks for a longer period of time The child may be curious about drugs and alcohol 12-19 years The younger person has a fast, legible style of handwriting The child communicates in an adult manner They understand abstract language They are able to process texts and meanings Young people think about possibilities and rely on their senses to apply a reason They start to think ahead and plan their future out They begin to know their limits Young people think about their though process more and having knowledge about their memory process and being able to explain strategies that they use