Market Research Report

Tutor C. Ryle assigned this Market Research Report, for the Business Year 1 Marketing class as part of NCVA examination. A recently qualified business graduate whom has just gained employment in the business world has conducted this report for the employers, a small co-op producing Elder Berries. This report is base on research and a market for the product has been established.

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The co-op was establised in 2001 producing Elder Berries. The reason for the establishment was because of the vast amount of Elder Flowers growing in the area. These Elder Flowers were left untouched. They grow close to the riverbank. Local people picked the berries and flower in the springtime and would make jam, ice cream and home made wine for their families. This became a habit in the town amongst the women and so a co-op was formed producing elderberries. They mostly produce wine and jam. Their business has grown immensely within the year, and they distribute throughout Ireland to shops and restraints. The company would like to expand and produce a new product for Elder Berries.

METHODOLOGY Research was carried out by investigating the product of Elder Berries, by conducting and indepth analysis based on primary and secondary research. The primary research involved gathering information via the Internet, the library and through conducting a questionnaire. The secondary research was information from other sources such as newspapers, articles, surveys and statistics. PRIMARY SOURCES: History of the product: There are two different types of elderberry trees, the American elder (canadensis) and the European elder (nigra).

The American elder grows to about 12 feet and is native to North America, while the European Elder grows to 30 feet and is found throughout Europe, Asia and North Africa. The sambucus nigra Elder is a shrubby deciduous tree with fragrant, divided leaves. White flowers in flat-topped bunches appear between April and July. The Fruit is a berry like droop, purplish-black when ripe. This European elder is found commonly all over Cyprus.

PAST USES: Almost every part of the plant, including the flower, leaves, berries, bark and root have been in traditional folk medicine. Egyptians discovered that applying its flowers could improve the complexion and heal burns. The 17th century British drank homemade wine because it was thought to prolong life and cure the common cold. The plant is also a traditional source of various dyes form the berries. The wood is highly resistant and holy crosses amongst other things are made from it, partly because it is believed that Judas hung himself from an elder tree.

EVERYDAY USES: The elderberries themselves contain a large amount of vitamin C and vitamins A and B. They also contain sugar amino acids, flavonoids and carotenoids. Warm elderberry wine is a remedy for a sore throat, influenza and induces perspiration to combat against chills. Infusions of the fruit can be beneficial for nervous disorders and back pain, and has been used to reduce inflammation of the urinary tract and the bladder. The flowers can be used in for the skin to improve complexion and relieve eczema and acne. The leaves and flowers are sometimes used in ointments for burns, swelling, cuts and scrapes.

SECONDARY SOURCES Herbal Medicine Herbalists use the leaves, flowers, stems, berries and roots of plants to prevent relieve and treat illness. Herbal medicine has a long respected history. Many familiar medications of the twentieth century were developed from ancient healing traditions that treated health problems with specific plants. Throughout the Middle Ages homegrown botanicals were the only medicines readily available and for centuries, no self-respecting household would be without a carefully tended and extensively used herb garden. Once scientific methods were developed to extract the active ingredients in plants pharmaceutical laboratories took over from providers of medicinal herbs as the producers of drugs.

Herbs are medicines ad can have powerful effects. There are 750,000 plants on earth, only a very few of the healing herbs have been scientifically studied. Most of the research that is done on plants continues to focus on identifying and isolating active ingredients rather than studying the medicinal properties of the whole plant. Herbalists consider that the power of a plant lies in the interaction of all its ingredients.

Thanks to modern technology science can now tell us why certain herbs are effective against certain conditions. Most health food stores will have individual herbs as well as complex herbal formulations capsules lozenges, ointments and teas. Adverse reactions are unusual if herbal remedies are used in recommended doses. Herbal Tea: There are many delicious blends of herbal teas on the shelves of health food stores. They can be loose herbs ready for steeping; herbal formulations aimed at specific conditions and convenient pre-bagged teas. Some are just for sipping some are medicinal. A comforting cup of herbal tea is a wonderful way to enjoy additional liquids and to relax. After tasting your sample of ElderBerry Tea please fill in this Questionnaire.