Muscle Development

The food you eat affects every system and function In your body. A well-balanced diet ensures that your body has the raw materials to produce and maintain healthy, strong muscles and bones. On the other hand, poor dietary habits can produce deficiencies in vital nutrients, leading to poor bone and muscle development in children or the damaging of the body’s ability to maintain strong muscles and bones in adults.

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Protein It Is a major structural component of all cells In the body, protein Is necessary for the Roth and repair of all body tissues and essential to the structure of both bones and muscles. Proteins provide amino acids that are the basic building blocks of muscle tissue and important to the production of new bone cells for bone growth and the maintenance of bone strength and density. Palatals Vitamin A helps form and maintain bones and soft tissues. Villain B aids in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates and is necessary for the production of red blood cells as well as DNA, which controls tissue growth and cell function.

Vitamin C alps maintain tissue health and helps the body absorb iron, and vitamin D aids calcium absorption and helps maintain proper levels of calcium and phosphorus In the blood. Minerals calcium and phosphorous are major structural elements In bones and teeth. Calcium is needed for the muscles, helping in the relaxation and constriction of blood vessels to regulate blood flow, assisting with the transmission of nerve impulses and aiding in muscle contraction. Phosphorus is necessary for the structure of cell membranes and vital to energy production and storage in the body.

Iron is necessary for the transportation of oxygen throughout the body, as well as energy metabolism and the production of DNA. Potassium helps malting bone mineral density, protecting against bone loss, and aids in regulating the function of all muscles in the body. Food to eat for healthy muscle development: Lean Meat : all the cells, tissues and muscles In your body rely on protein to grow and for strength. Adding lean meats to your diet provides muscles with what they need to and turkey and fish are all healthy meat sources of protein. Salty Foods : your useless rely on a certain amount of sodium to constrict correctly.

Your body’s ability to send nerve impulses that control your muscles relies on small amounts of sodium You can get sodium by eating foods like potato chips, but also from more nutritious sources, such as roasted nuts. Low-Fat Dairy Foods : While calcium is usually associated with the health of your bones and teeth, you also need plenty of this mineral for the health of your muscles. Calcium benefits your nervous system by promoting healthy transmission of nerve impulses, some of which help control your muscles and how they move. Low-fat milk is one nutritious source, and reduced-fat cheese and yogurt offer a good amount of calcium as well.

Egg Whites : Eating an egg white is a nutritious way to encourage your body to build healthy muscle mass; it also contributes several minerals that support muscle health, including potassium and calcium. Food to eat for healthy bone development: Protein Foods : You need protein to build and repair every tissue in your body, including bone tissue. Dairy : Dairy products not only provide calcium and vitamin D, they are good sources of other nutrients needed for bone health. One is phosphorus, of which 85 percent of the body’s total is found in bones.

Fruits And Vegetables : Enzymes are necessary for forming a strong bone matrix. Fruits and vegetables help supply the nutrients needed for these enzymes to function. Both fruits and vegetables are sources of iron, potassium and vitamins C and K. Dark orange and green vegetables are sources of vitamin A, and green leafy vegetables are a source of magnesium, which helps improve bone mineral density. Vegetables also supply incomplete protein. Grains : Whole grains supply more of the minerals needed for optimal functioning of enzymes, including copper, iron, manganese and zinc.

Whole grains are also a source of magnesium, of which 60 percent of the body’s total is found in bones. Heart and circulation : The heart is a muscular organ and becomes stronger through regular exercise. A stronger heart is able to pump blood around the body more easily and is placed under less strain when you engage in more vigorous activities. Exercise can also help reduce a person’s risk of heart disease. Exercise helps to lower cholesterol as well as fat levels which in turn improves the circulation of the blood round the body.

People with high blood pressure are at greater risk of heart disease and strokes. Exercise can help lower and maintain blood pressure by keeping the arteries elastic which improves circulation. The more frequently and vigorously a person exercises, the better it is for their heart’s health but any level of regular exercise is beneficial. Bones and Joints : Exercise, in particular weight bearing exercise or resistance training can help improve bone health. As you get older your bone density decreases but exercise can help fight the problem.

Because loss of bone density can lead to fractures, it is important to try and limit the loss. Exercise, in particular weight bearing exercise or resistance training can help improve bone health. As you get older your bone density decreases but exercise can help fight the problem. Because loss of bone density can lead to fractures, it is important to try and limit the loss. Muscles : Regular resistance training can help increase muscle strength. Resistance training is particularly important as people get older because of a tendency to lose muscle mass with age.

Weight training contributes to the strengthening of muscles around the Joints which helps to improve the function of the Joint. Most people will benefit from moderate to heavy resistance training but for older people and those with arthritis, low impact training such as ATA Chi can help to improve muscle strength as well as Joint function. Other effects : Regular exercise can lower the risk of colon cancer by up to 50 percent and breast cancer by up to 30 percent. There is a link between regular exercise and a reduction in memory loss and mental decline as people age. Done by : Jejuna Abraham b