Organization development

This type of interview method and assessment center provide Tests a high quality candidates because there are several interview to ensure that the candidates are suitable to work for Tests, furthermore, better candidate lead to better employees. Employers who utilize pre-employment screening as a part of their recruitment process realize a number of important benefits. One of those benefits is a general improvement in the quality of applicants which ultimately leads to better workers, higher productivity, increased quality, and rower employee turnover.

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The benefit of Interview Is Interviewer can find deep Into response through candidate and broaden on the answer to found more about the candidate. Besides, this allow higher response rate for the Interviewer to Judge the candidate and as a selection technique that the Interview can be undertake with less training, not require plenty of preparation and is very flexible for the candidate since interviewer has the opportunity to review the candidate performance which is really effective.

Second is to filter the applicants since using assessment center itself only cannot ensure that the particular applicants have the capability of filling the blanks. This is because some people tend to lie about their background that a company like TESTS itself cannot detect that the applicants were laying Assessment center plays a big role in selecting employee because this method would help a company to evaluate workers either before selected or after working for the company and help TESTS to ensure that the applicants do not have bad reputation when serving In the revises company.

Moreover, the assessment center Involves various Interviewers, different types of exercise and candidates are given personality tests for the assessor to estimate and they will also examine each candidate to observe overall performance and analyses their performance toward certain situations. Furthermore, using assessment center is that they focus mainly on the key elements of the role of the Job and specifically in measuring the fitness of the applicants and used range of techniques instead of Just concentrating on single technique and the Aladdin of the process will improve by using variety of techniques.

However, assessment center let some candidates feel uncomfortable around with other candidates and lower their performance because of nervous and this can affect the chances for them to be accepted for the Job role. Besides, by using assessment center make Tests can be easy to identify applicants who have a track record of non- violent, but damaging acts of misconduct In the workplace.

Assessment center Is able to help Tests to Identify the history of the applicants about their driving record, their arsenal financial situation, criminal conviction and also can checks the candidates Tests are able to recruit and selection the better employee with better history and able to reduce the incidents on non-violent, but costly employee misconduct.

So compare with another hypermarket Giant, Tests has twice interviews by using online, questionnaires, but for Giant, they only has face-to-face interview. Furthermore, before employment Tests has the screening section and assessment center, but Giant only have interview without screening and assessment center. Conclusion