Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development:

I found myself at security stage In hierarchy. Yes, I was able to roughly Identify my team members where they stand. I have lugged Ukulele and found that she was at security stage as according to my prediction. Task 3 My role model in life is Madam Sudan Duggan because he Is a living legend. His personal attributes are that he has positive thinking, devotion to work and love his talent. Task 4 My duties and description of position: I work as a crew member In a fast food chain restaurant.

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Responsibilities : Co-ordinate with other team members, help them In their work. ; Accountableness : Finish my work at time, be punctual, follow correct procedures, be ethical at work, provide good customer service. Difference between responsibility and accountability: “responsibility” focuses for the most part upon all of the elements of duty up to the point of decision, and “accountability” focuses for the most part upon all of the elements of duty after the decision is made. Task 5

Organizational structure: At restaurant level: – General Manager Restaurant Manager 1st Assistant Manager 2nd Assistant Manager Shift Running Manager Floor Manager Staff Training Crew Crew Members. Company goal and objective: to serve good food In a friendly and fun environment ; to be a socially responsible company ; to provide good returns to Its shareholders ; to provide its customers with food of a high standard, quick service and value for 3 leadership styles: Authoritarian or autocratic

Authoritarian leaders, also known as autocratic leaders, provide clear expectations for what needs to be done, when it should be done, and how it should be done. ; Participative or democratic Democratic leaders offer guidance to group members, but they also participate in the group and allow input from other group members. ; Delegating or Free Reign Delegating leaders offer little or no guidance to group members and leave decision- making up to group members ; Why is behavior off leader important: For: co-ordination in team To achieve goals.