Physical development

Sheila Brock Physical Development Early Childhood (Two to Six years) During this time in a child’s life there is a remarkable growth in fine motor skills and gross motor skills. During early childhood, children start running, tumbling, dancing, as well as drawing, writing, and cutting with scissors (McDermott, & Ramrod, 2004). At this stage It Is often seen that children begin taking an older look to them, as they babyish appearance starts to diminish.

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Between early childhood and early adolescence Is middle childhood. During this time there Is an Improvement In gross motor skills and fine motor skills. During years SIX to ten there Is also a constant height and weight increase, as well as loss of “baby” teeth. Early Adolescence (Ten to Fourteen years) After middle childhood, is early adolescence (between ten and fourteen years). This period in a child’s life includes stages of growth spurts, and the start of puberty.

Because of the onset of puberty, many children at this age become self-conscious ND there are differences that begin to appear between boys and girls. Between early childhood and early adolescents there are several changes that occur, from fine motor skills and gross motor skills, to the beginning of puberty.