Starbucks customer’s expectation

Expectation Analysis in term of Cutbacks Beverage Intro to Logistics Intro Cutbacks was founded in 1971 by three men from Seattle, Washington. These three men were coffee fanatics that specialized in selling whole bean Arabica coffee beans In the world famous Pike’s place market. In 1982, Howard Schultz Joined the. By the early sass’s he had opened and operated over 150 stores In the Northwest united States and Chicago markets.

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Schultz decided to take the company public in 1993, by 2002, Cutbacks had established Cutbacks as the dominant specialty coffee brand ND coffee house with over 5000 stores worldwide and 4500 of those are corporate locations. Cutbacks Mission Statement The success of Cutbacks in the early sass’s can be attributed to Howard Schultz vision of the Cutbacks brand. Schultz inspired of a company which would make the customer the centre of its success and would change the coffee drinking experience in the U. S. Cutbacks was successful because it placed value to the customers first in its value proposition.

As to Customers expectation In terms of Cutbacks’ Beverage, e could refer to Starboard’s Mission Statement under customer segment; “When we are fully engaged, we connect with, laugh with, and uplift the lives of our customers -? even if Just for a few moments. Sure, it starts with the promise of a perfectly made beverage, but our work goes far beyond that. It’s really about human connection. ” Arguments Generally speaking, we categorize Cutbacks’ Customer experience Into 3 AS: People – the baristas and their connection with customers.

Partners were trained on both “hard skills” and “soft skills” when hired to work for a Cutbacks retail store. This equal emphasis on the “hard” and “soft” skills further highlighted Cutbacks strategy to make the experience pleasant for the customer. The “soft skills” were a way to teach the partners on how to connect with the customer, by establishing eye contact, smiling and greeting them with their names when the customers were regulars. Place – their store design and atmosphere Schultz idea was to make Cutbacks America’s “third place”.

By recreating the Italian coffee culture he met in Milan, he managed to make Cutbacks a place where people an enjoy their social interactions, relax, or Just spent some time by themselves. In essence, the Cutbacks idea changed the norm from “buying coffee as a drink” to “the experience of enjoying coffee”. People viewed Cutbacks as a place they wanted to be experience that was complemented with the layout designed to provide an inviting environment. Product – the beverages, food, and merchandise Cutbacks strategy was to open only company-owned stores and avoid franchising.