It also creates feelings against others such as friendships, relationships, enemies etc, which are all produced by communication and without it we wouldn’t be able to express any of this motion and thoughts. It helps in the workplace and in the general public, as you are then able to communicate in different ways because there are a lot of different communications that you will see and come across all the time. So knowing the purpose of communication helps you to learn and use communication In your day to day life. 1. Explain the reasons for knowing the audience to whom communications are presented Knowing the audience to whom you present verbal communication to is important because you will have to analyses first how you are going to communicate with them and whether they will understand what you have to say. If you had a board meeting and you had to present your Idea of a new product in front of the head department of your place of work you would have to work out how to present it to them, because you’ve got to keep them interested.
Because you are presenting a new idea you would probably make a Powering presentation on the computer with all the Information you need on It and talk alongside It so everybody understands. However because they are of higher authority, you would use more complex/technical words to show you know what you are on about and you’d also make sure layout, spelling, punctuation and grammar etc was correct. Also you would give everybody a hand out which goes Into more detail and always keep eye contact. Everything would have to be formal.
On the other hand if you were doing a talk in a school on behalf of your company you would be less formal and communicate more through body language to keep the children interested. So knowing your audience is important. 1. 3 Explain the purpose of knowing the Intended outcomes of communication The purpose of knowing the intended outcomes of communication is so you can use communication effectively in day to day life and be able to send and receive clear messages without and confusion or misunderstanding.
It will help you hold a conversation with someone and understand what they are saying and then you’ll be able to reply fluently so they can understand fully what you are saying. You’ll be able to learn from other people, how they use communication and try the different ways I OFF If you know what different tones of voice mean, they you can Judge what mood someone is in, so you can then prepare yourself, as to how to communicate with that person.
You will also be able to gain feedback, knowing the outcomes, because you will be able to ask people and get them to understand your work and then get information back on what they think of it. It will build relationships, especially in the workplace and you will be able to understand and communicate without any complications. 1. 4 Describe methods of communication and when to use them There are three main methods of communication: Oral, Written and Body Language, all of these are successful and well used ways of communicating.
We use all of these on a regular day to day basis. Oral Communication is otherwise known as verbal and this is the most used form of communication. Many people in a business environment use verbal communication to present information in things such as boardroom meetings. It is also used to phone clients or customers, so we orally communication with many people. People who are listening to someone speak can communicate back and if they don’t understand anything they are being told, they can orally communicate back and ask them what they said again or explain it in more detail.
So oral communication requires both speaking and listening skills especially in a business environment to ensure everything works along with everything else. Written communication is also used a lot within a Business environment as many emails, documents and letters are made to colleagues, customers etc. Written communication normally holds a lot more information in which people can look at or read to themselves and study in more detail. It is used to produce documents that can be stored for later use or send memos to colleagues or the minutes of a meeting that then gets sent off to the colleagues.
All written communication normally gets sent to someone, is given to someone to read, proof for certain things or is archived for later use. Body Language is often used as an expression as it sometimes helps people to communicate, people often show body language if they are doing a presentation or they are in a meeting. Your body language, facial expressions say a lot to whom you are communicating with and so getting them right when speaking to certain people is crucial when dealing with customers especially.
Also you should maintain eye contact when talking to someone as it shows you are eager and confident. Sign language is linked in to this as well because deaf people use this to communicate with people who are deaf or people who aren’t, it can be learnt quite easily. A lot of businesses that have employed deaf people have had most of their employees taught how to use sign language or at least how to fully communicate with a deaf person. This is so no one feels left out or outnumbered. 2 Understand how to communicate in writing 2. Identify relevant sources of information that may be used when preparing written communication There are many different sources you can use when preparing for written thesaurus, newspapers, articles, discussions etc. All of these can help for any research or planning you need in preparation for your written communication. 2. 2 Explain the communication principles for using electronic forms of written communication in a business environment The decision of turning to electronic communication in a work environment is an effective and efficient way of using written communication.
The reasons for doing this are because it reduces the amount of paper waste in the office, as more things will be sent via email and not printed off, or letters getting sent. Also it’s a much faster way of communicating as you can Just send an email in seconds where as if you send a letter, it could take days to get to the destination. You can also send one email to as many people as you like quickly instead of sending out loads of individual letters out. However there are rules when it comes to work emails, there is no personal use; all intent should be appropriate and relate to work subjects. . 3 Explain different styles and tones of language and situations when they may be used for written communication There are many different styles of writing and they can be used in many different situations. A few examples are: If you are writing a letter to argue, you obviously have a problem with something and something has upset or annoyed you. You don’t want to sound too aggressive, so you need to make it sound assertive but not too harsh and make them hear a firm tone of voice when they are reading it.
It would need to be in a well presented, accurate and formal style n order for the recipient, to believe you are being professional. If it’s a letter of apology you are writing, you need to sound sympathetic and sorry for whatever reason and so you need them to believe your tone of voice is soft and caring for them. The style you would use for this kind of letter is formal but simple, it needs to be easy to understand but formal so they can see you are being professional about the matter.
If you were sending an memo email to a colleague, you would Just make it sound normal, tone of voice you would usually use in conversation. Unless it is urgent hen you want it too sound more firm. The style would Just be informal and short because its Just a reminder to another work mate. 2. 4 Explain the reasons for selecting and using language that suits the purpose of written communication The reasons we have to select different uses of languages in written communication depend on the audience. We have to use language that they can understand easily and are able to reply to with ease.
For example, if we were writing a letter to a client/customer then we would use simple but formal language. We would be formal because we need to show that we are professional with our customers, also we have to make it simple to meet the needs of the majority of customers in case they have difficulty reading etc. So that’s why we have to select and use certain languages. However when sending a short memo email to a work colleague you can make it informal and short as long as they understand it. So you can see there are differences in who you communication with. Tests the needs of different audiences Written communication can be organized by reviewing the needs of your audience and then planning what needs to be done. If you were writing for a customer with ye sight difficulty then you would have to organism the written text to how they could read and understand it. So you would have to plan that the writing would have to be bigger than the average font size. If you were writing for a highly professional person, you would also have to review the needs of them, you would have to use a wide range of vocabulary and be sure you know what you are talking about.
Then you have to think about the structure of the written information. If you were sending letters then you would have to ensure that it is in Paragraphs, contains the correct use of spelling, incaution and grammar, and that the audience can understand it. This includes the size if the text. You would present the letters in a professional way and it should be on letter headed paper to show that you are a company who likes to show their professionalism.
You would also have to post these items and preferably in first class to ensure the intended receiver gets this written information ASAP. 2. 6 Describe ways of checking written information for accuracy of content There are a few ways of checking for accuracy in written communication such as; proofreading – get someone else to read your work, as someone else might be able to pot mistakes that you haven’t been able to pick up on, it’s always a good idea to get a second opinion, then you can improve from the feedback they give you.
Drafting – This way, you start with a draft, which is a rough copy of the final thing, you can change what you want and make it how it needs to be and then once it is of high enough standard and accuracy, you then make a final copy which is the one you would use. Spell Check – This is a feature you can use if you are doing written communication on the computer. There is an option you can use which will check your written piece of information for spelling, punctuation and grammar.
This will then ask you if you would like it to correct these things. If you do, it then is accurate. They are Just a few ways in which your work can be checked for accuracy. 2. 7 Explain the purpose of accurate use of grammar, punctuation and spelling in The purpose of using spelling, punctuation and grammar accurately is so you and others can read the written communication without problem. All written information should flow and be understood by most people.
Without the accurate use of these writing techniques, no one would be able to read the written communication you eave provided, as it wouldn’t flow and it wouldn’t really make any sense, without things such as full stops and capital letters. So using these things will make people want to read it also because they can easily understand it. 2. 8 Explain what is meant by Plain English, and why it is used Plain English is a simple and direct piece of text or verbal communication; it can be used in either way of communicating. It is a straightforward piece of text that uses understand what it is about.
People use Plain English when communicating because everyone/or most people can understand it, whether it be written down or spoken. When people see Plain English they can easily read it as it is words that are common, put together to make a short paragraph that explains something. It also won’t take long for the person to read/listen to it and understand what it is trying to say as it is very clear. So it is used to make good points in meetings and demonstrations as people will be more interested and taken in by smoothing they can clearly understand. 2. Explain the purpose of proofreading and checking work The purpose of proof reading any work you do is because you need to ensure the reader will know what you are trying to say and be able to read it without problem. So you need to proof read your work to look for any mistake you may have made, it could cause more problems if you don’t spot the mistakes as others could read something completely different to what you mean. Also make sure you haven’t left out any important information as this is the main part of your work and need to be done with accuracy.
You need to make sure it flows because if it doesn’t, it won’t make sense and will be hard to read. Also if you aren’t sure about your work, get someone else to check it and then advance on what they say, if anything. Its easier to proof dead because if you gave your work in to someone without doing so, they could hand it back and you’d have to re-do the whole thing. 2. 10 Explain the purpose of recognizing work that is ‘important’ and work that is ‘urgent’ When given work to do by different people within the workplace you need to know how to priorities so you can do things in the order they need to be done in.
So for example if your supervisor asks you to print out the agenda for a meeting that is in 10 minutes and a work colleague has asked you to write up a complaint letter, you would have to decide which need to be done first. I would personally sort them in urgency before importance so I would do the print out for the meeting first. We know this is urgent because the meeting the supervisor needs it for is in 10 minutes. Therefore I would to the letter after; even thought it is important, it is not as urgent as I haven’t been given a timescale for doing it.
So because its important it would take a little bit longer than writing a normal letter because the style, punctuality, spelling and grammar all has to be perfect as something important is being said within the letter. 2. 11 Describe organizational procedures for saving and filing written communication In my workplace the procedures for saving a filing any piece of written communication, such as POD’s, Manifests, Emails, Letters etc. Re as follows: POD’s, Manifests and any other Proof of Delivery is filed in filing cabinets in the office and when we run out of room we store the oldest ones in the Archive room in the warehouse in case we need to retrieve them in the future. Emails are archived in the mailing system so all emails we send and receive are kept in case they need to be Anita as she receives all post that comes to this site and she sorts them. If we save any documents on the computer, we have to name them appropriately and make ere they are saved in the ‘Drive, which everyone has access too. 3 Understand how to communicate verbally 3. Describe ways of verbally presenting information and ideas clearly When verbally presenting information in front of work colleagues or those above you, you need to ensure everything you want to say, is said in a way they can understand. You need to make sure you use the right sort of language, for example it would be formal if it was in your workplace and treat them no different than you would any other time. You need to be confident and believe in yourself as if you are hack and can’t get your words out they won’t be able to understand clearly what you are trying to put across.
Also you should be presentable and maintain eye contact to show you known what you are talking about and get the point straight across to those who are listening. Speak loud and clear and ensure you can be heard, they wont be able to here you if you mumble. 3. 2 Explain ways of making contributions to discussions that help to achieve objectives You can achieve objectives all the time by making contributions to discussions, because you can advance on others opinions and work tasks can be done in a more efficient way and also it can be done as a team.
Expressing your opinion as well as listening to others gives you a chance to improve your work and also it makes yourself heard if you speak up with your thoughts. One way of doing so is producing a presentation/discussion that puts across all of your ideas along with your colleagues, so you can work towards hitting any objectives that may or may not have been set. It improves confidence, skills and the work itself if everyone has an input when achieving objectives in the workplace. 3. 3 Describe ways of adapting verbal contributions to suit different audiences, purposes and situations
There are many ways to adapt ways of verbally communicating for different audiences, purposes and situations; you Just have to assess the situations you are in. If you were in the situation of being in a meeting/discussion in the workplace, you would change how you normally verbally communicate as you will be expressing your opinion and trying to get yourself heard, so you are suiting the purpose of the meeting. You would also have calm but firm voice and use formal language as your audience would be your employer/colleagues.
If you were in a customer meeting you would have to make sure you get your point across and that you use appropriate hinge to talk about and also ensure that the person can understand you, speak clearly and care for their feelings, use a softer tone of voice. If you were taking a phone call, it’s important to change the tone of your voice to suit the audience of the phone call, as if you don’t sound enthusiastic and ready to speak then they could get the audience can understand what you are saying.
If you were talking to someone who is deaf it might be a good idea to adapt to sign language so you can easily communicate. 3. 4 Describe how to use and interpret body language Body language is used all the time without you knowing it, so it’s not something oh Just use once in a while. You would use it to express your feelings or thoughts on something or someone, for example if you are in a group meeting, you would look enthusiastic and some you would be smiling, eye contact, sitting up straight etc. This shows you are interesting in what the person is saying.
However if you don’t pay attention to your body language you could give Off bad image. If you were sitting in the meeting not interested, you would more than likely be sitting there with a frown, biting your nails, slouching, arms crossed etc. So you can see a big difference in how you express yourself. You can also interpret body language if you learn how to read it, you can know what another person is thinking Just by looking at their body language and so you can communicate in a silent way in the workplace. 3. Describe how to use and interpret tone of voice In the workplace me and every other member of staff have to control and monitor when we are using our tone of voice in certain situations. You can come across as being assertive or to quiet if you don’t use the correct tone of voice for the correct situation in what you are in. For example if you were having a friendly chat with money about work you would use your normal soft tone of voice, whereas if we were in a group meeting expressing opinions the tone of voice will be a bit more stern as you need to get your views across to all.
However if you are giving or receiving a disciplinary the tone of voice would be more harsh as you have obviously made a mistake and you need to know that it needs to be altered and you need to acknowledge it. Also when speaking to or communicating with people in the workplace you need to carefully interpret the tone of voice of others, as you could get the wrong idea and make the situation uncomfortable and maybe cause conflict thin the workplace. 3. Describe methods of active listening When taking part in active listening, as the listener you need to make it clear to the speaker that you fully understand and hear what they are saying. There are five steps to do so: 1) Pay attention – Keep eye contact with the speaker to show that you are caring for their thoughts and try not to let anything distract you. Listen and watch the body language of the other person as that expresses a lot when someone speaks. Also don’t interrupt and start other conversations as this can be off putting for the beaker and will ruin the relationship between the two of you. ) Show that you are listening at all times – Use your body language to show this by occasionally nodding your head, smiling and using other facial expressions because they too will be watching your body language to ensure that you are actively listening to them. You should also encourage them to talk about everything they want to talk about by using 3) Provide Feedback – When you are listening to what the speaker has to say, you can’t Judge them or Jump to any assumptions about them, you are purely there to listen and to show you understand.
So to show this you must give short feedback, paraphrasing is the best way to do so, as it is you reflecting back to them what they have Just been talking about in a short sentence every now and again. 4) Don’t interrupt – Let the speaker speak and only speak when they have a break or have finished what they are saying, as it may cause the speaker to think you are being rude and don’t understand, or want to hear what they are talking about. ) Respond appropriately – Be honest with the speaker and explain to them why you feel the way you do and show them that everyone has different opinions and treat them as you loud anybody else, with respect. 3. 7 Describe the benefits of active listening The benefits of active listening, is that the speaker will always know if you are fully taking in what they are saying and that you are respecting what they have to say.
It shows you genuinely want to know and understand what you are being told. This then develops a good relationship between the two people or more if in a group. Doing this is a workplace is very beneficial as then colleagues can express themselves and talk to each other knowing that they are being heard. It will also bring the beaker and listener closer to each other and also it can give the speaker disclosure which is what they sometimes need as the listener never Judges in active listening.
It makes the speaker feel as if they are resolving their problems when they speak out and so having someone who is listening and responding to their thoughts is good and relieves them of any pressure they feel. 3. 8 Explain the purpose of summarizing verbal communication This is important in a Business Environment as it shows that you have listened to the whole conversation and now you are ready to briefly look back on that and make NY comment s or show how you feel about it all.
It’s a ways to bring the subject of conversation to a close and make any notes or ask any questions about any points you weren’t sure of. It also allows you to check each persons understanding of what has been said to ensure they have understood it in the way it was meant to and also it refreshes your memory in case you forgot something you felt was important or needed to be spoken about again. 4 Understand the purpose and value of feedback in developing communication skills 4. 1 Describe ways of getting feedback on whether communications achieved their purpose
There are few ways to get feedback on whether your communication has achieved its purpose of being understandable and appropriate for the audience by asking people you have communicated with recently. If you ask a different number of people every month or so, you will have a log of feedback on how you communicate with them, so this can help you improve in many ways, it could also show an improvement. With, asking the questions about how you communicate with them, if you are understandable, accurate and polite etc. 4. 2 Explain the purpose and benefits of using feedback to further develop communication skills
The purpose of using feedback to develop on communication is so that you can listen to what others think of how you communicate and how easily or not so easily they understand you and you can then expand on these thoughts of others and improve those aspects of your communication. The benefits of using the feedback from others to develop communication are things such as; being able to hold a good conversation with work mates, people being able to understand you more, more friendships in the work place can work in a team and share opinions in meetings. All of these things are benefits from listening to others about your communication.