Social And Emotional Development

Social and emotional development Children’s social and emotional development can be supported by Glenn children lots of praise for their achievements and when they listen and do as their career has asked them to do. It can also be supported by giving children the guidance they need but at the same time making sure to respect their choices and also giving children chance to meet and spend time with other children and adults. In our setting we have key groups but the children and go and play with whoever they like.

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As a practitioner we have to make sure we are providing activities that involve sharing and aging turns and to be constant with the rules. We have to give the children the support and encouragement they need and the right amount of supervision while they are doing an activity. This provides opportunities to make decisions for them and get to learn the consequences of their decisions. We have to make sure we are listening to the children and what they have to say and their opinions, this will provide the children with opportunities where they can take responsibility.

Birth to 1 year Babies at this age should be able to respond to adults and people around them specially to their mothers face and voice. They should be smiling and concentrating on adults face during feeding. Babies that are under the age of 3 months will be very dependent on adults for reassurance and comfort. At the age of 1 child may become anxious or distressed when they have to separate from adults they know such as their parents. They may use a comfort object from home. At this age they should be cooperative and can be distracted from unwanted behavior. They should be playing alongside other children. -3 years At this age children should be separating from their main career with support and encouragement from a familiar adult. They should be expressing their own preferences and interests and should be expressing their own feelings such as sad, happy, cross, scared and worried, also they should be responding to the feelings and wishes of others. They should be aware that some actions can hurt others and try to give them comfort when they are distressed. They should be growing the ability to distract them self when upset by engaging In new play. At this age they should be able to make special friendships with another child. -4 years At 3 to 4 years children should be becoming more independent and self-motivated to do things and respond to being told to do something. They should feel more secure and be able to cope with unfamiliar surroundings for a long period of time. They should be more cooperative with adults and enjoy helping out and doing little Jobs. They should be at this age sociable and friendly with the people around them and play with other children and should be more able to share. They should be beginning to consider the needs of others and to show concern for others around them. 7 years At this age children should be able to make friends easily but may need some help to resolve disputes and developing understanding rules, but still finds turn taking difficult. They should be enjoying helping others and taking responsibility. They people and relationship, making friends and playing and getting involved in group games. Children at this age need structure to what they are doing every day and a routine so that they feel safe. When they aren’t listening and behavior hard to handle they need limits to be set so they know the rules. 7-12 years

At this age children should be becoming less dependent on close adults for support and should be able to cope with the environment and enjoy being in groups of children of the similar age, they will be strongly influenced by their peer group. They should be aware of their own gender and understanding that certain kinds of behavior is not acceptable. At this age they should feel like they need to fit in with their peer group and copy them. At the age of 8 they should be forming closer friendships and enjoy to play with the same sex friends. At this age they should still deed adult help to sort out disagreements in play.

They can be arrogant and bossy or shy and uncertain. 12-19 years At this age teenagers may become self-conscious so they need reassurance. Emotional maturity is constantly shifting moving them between childish needs and adult desires. At this age they want to have some independence and start to move away from parents and close cares towards their peers. Many teenagers develop very close friendships with their own gender and develop an interest to the opposite sex. They see security in group acceptance and follow peer group dress and behavior codes.