Duracell Paper – Marketing Outline

Introduction Durable is a member of the Gillette Company owned by Proctor & Gamble and Is the alkaline battery market leader holding approximately 50 percent of the U. S. Market share. Toilette’s overall goal focuses on the skillful marketing of superior technology to achieve worldwide leadership. The Durable name means reliability to consumers and that Is why their products are trusted by customers every day. They use the most advanced technologies to ensure that the power is there when the customers need it to be.

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One of the reasons why I chose this product over the rest of he competitors of this market is because Durable I find has more appealing advertisement, such as its innovative commercials. In addition, they’re more appealing to the public because of the brightness of its color and bold name which is part of a good product presentation. As requisite for our Marketing class, I will discuss all of the relevant aspects in this Marketing Mix of the Durable product. Product Positioning Brand Name Company Image Durable appears to have a long-term vision to adapt to the changing electronic device market.

The “Trusted Everywhere” campaign reflects customers’ basic emotional needs for security and reliability. By answering consumer’s demands for new technology, it indicates Traducer’s customer-oriented values. The main conflict that Durable has right now is with consumers deciding to purchase rechargeable batteries as opposed to Prismatic. Features ; Benefits Durable has made sure of launching products that may be of valuable use to Its consumers. These products include the commonly used AAA AAA, C, D and 9 volt batteries.

They’ve also kept up with the recent advances In technology launching reduces such as the Durable power reserve, which Is a USB device that keeps hours of power back up in electronic devices such as cell phones, pods, ;pads, digital cameras, etc. They have available their rechargeable batteries which helps conserve energy and also save consumers lots of money. Durable also makes specialty batteries used for security and medical devices as well as digital cameras, watches and electronics that might require smaller batteries or button batteries.

In addition, Durable has hearing aid batteries which has been named as the first easy to replace earring aid battery and first to receive the Use of Commendation from the Arthritis foundation. They’ve also launched into the market their own digital memories that consist of flash drives, memory cards and hard drives consumers can trust to do the job. Furthermore, they offer consumers handy and useful products such as the Inverters and Jump starters and auto and marine batteries. So I think It Is safe to say that If a consumer has a need concerning any of the products mentioned above, Durable delivers low priced energy that lasts.

Packaging differentiate it from its competitors. The packages colors, slogan, logo, theme and presentation have grown onto consumers making it easy for them to identify this brand and differentiate it from competitors, such as Energize. As we read in chapter 10 (peg. 370), Durable uses both a persuasive and informative labeling. The front of the package reflects a persuasive labeling promoting the theme and logo of the product. The back section of the product gives the consumer information and details in regards to the battery such as its durability, features, etc. Which we can refer to as an informational labeling. PLACE A channel of distribution can be defined as the collection of organizational units, institutions, or agencies within or external to the manufacturer, which perform the functions that support the marketing of the product. The structure of a distribution channel is determined by the marketing functions that specific organizations perform. Some channel members perform single functions-carriers transport products, and public warehouse’s store them. Others, such as third party logistic providers and wholesalers, perform multiple functions.

Channel structure affects (1) intro over the performance of functions, (2) the speed of delivery and communication, and (3) the cost of operations. Durable batteries are distributed by retailers. When we speak of retailers, these may include: department stores, specialty stores, supermarkets, drugstores, convenience stores, discount stores, warehouse clubs, superstructures, etc. These retailers may be in charge of performing logistical functions for the product which may include physical distributing, sorting and storing.

While reading the Channel Structure section in our textbook (Lamb, Hair, McDaniel, 2011, page 453-458), I realized that a product may take several routes before reaching the consumer; not only that but that a producer rarely uses Just one type of channel to move its product and that it usually employs several different channels to do so. Having said this, Durable can use any Gillette distribution channel and retailer relationships to extend the overall reach of their battery distribution. Intensive distribution is a form of distribution aimed at maximum market coverage.

The manufacturer tries to have the product available in every outlet where potential customers might want to buy it (Lamb, Hair, McDaniel, 2011). We can definitely say that the type of distribution used to sell Durable batteries is intensive. It is sold directly to electronic manufactures and to consumers via specialty and general retail stores. Batteries are sent as well separately to general retailers, online vendors, electronic specialty stores, camera stores, and wherever compatible portable electronic devices are sold.

Gillette Company has made the Durable product as accessible and easy to buy as the consumers need it to be. Promotion Message/Positioning In our reading we discovered a strategy that some companies use in promoting their can lead to increased learning. It is without a doubt that Durable has implemented this tactic making their slogan, “trusted everywhere”, stick to the public. Advertising As part of its advertising strategy, Durable hired the high-profile advertising agency Googol & Matter to promote its new battery tester product.