The Role of Millennium Development Goals in Promoting

Abstract Over the last one decade along with this running decade MEG has gained enormous success in developing goals on a global scale. As an efficient financial mechanism, MEG enables various governmental and non-governmental actors to realize the millennium development goals (Meds). Based on our recent field-research on Millennium Development Goals in Bangladesh, this paper empirically examines and analyze the role of Meds in promoting livelihoods in the country. The study reflects on recent arguments on behalf of MEG and shows that despite some criticisms, MEG is making significant contribution in uplifting the livelihoods of Bangladesh.

Key words: MEG, Poverty, Health, Education, Bangladesh A. Introduction The Millennium Development Goals (Megs) represent a global commitment to tackle poverty, hunger, disease, education, inequality and environmental degradation. Since their launch in 2000 the Megs have been a useful tool for international development and to reach the targets by 201 5 is no mean achievement In September 2000, member states of the United Nations (UN) gathered at the Millennium Summit to affirm commitments towards reducing poverty and the worst forms of human deprivation.

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The Summit adopted the UN Millennium Declaration which embodies pacific targets and milestones in eliminating extreme poverty worldwide. To help track progress in the attainment of the 8 goals and 18 targets of the Millennium Development Goals (MEG) over the period 1990 to 201 5, experts from the United Nations Secretariat and International Monetary Fund (MIFF), Overseas Economic Cooperation and Development (COED) and the World Bank identified and selected a set of time-bound and measurable indicators.

Data series on the 48 MEG indicators are compiled to provide the basis for the preparation of progress reports by member states of the United Nations (GIN) on the implementation of the UN Millennium Declaration. I en Present AT Bangles government together Witt toner nanas AT countries or governments from 147 countries of the world (191 countries in total) signed in New York in 2000 the “United Nations Millennium Declaration: Human Development – Primary Importance Goal”.

This document reaffirms the commitment of the international community to the fundamental values of humankind – freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, respect for nature and shared responsibility – and emphasizes the importance of tackling major issues related to the consolidation of peace, observance of human rights, assurance of sustainable development, environmental protection. B. General Objective Objectives This study is a partial requirement of the course on Bangladesh Studies. The general objective of the study is to develop a clear understanding about the Millennium development issues in Bangladesh.

Specific Objectives The specific objectives of the study are: 0 To evaluate the goals, targets and monitoring indicators tailored to the social and economic context of Bangladesh. 0 To find out the progress or current situation of Bangladesh at this context. 0 To find out the barriers in achieving established targets. To asses the Priority actions which are to be undertaken in order to achieve established goals. 0 An assessment of the monitoring and reporting capacities on the progress of achieving Megs. C.

Methodology Millennium Development Goal (Meds) are expected to track progress of countries towards the achievement of internationally agreed time bound goals. The report is designed for international comparison especially with regards to building national capacity to benchmark and assess progress, to highlight achievements and gaps. The UN Development Group provides guidelines on the procedures for the preparation, the duration, size and format and the outline. The MEG is not an in-depth analytical review of policy reform, institutional change and resource allocations thus the length should range between 30-35 pages.

Nevertheless, Megs vary within this specification, reflecting the national development priorities on the basis of available data. The expectation is that the report would be based on secondary data. The report begins with the development context of the country and examines each goal, evolution, recommendation major challenges faced and how mach they can achieve in time. Secondary data were used in reporting on each of the eight goals. A umber of UN agencies the country (UNDO, EUNICE, UNAPT, ILL, WHO, UNDO, FAA, e or Bank were valets to total necessary documents Ana information.

In addition to these agencies, other major sources of data include the Federal Office of Statistics, Federal Ministry of Health, Federal Ministry of Education, Federal Ministry of Women Affairs, Federal Ministry of Environment and Federal Ministry of Water Resources. In each Ministry, discussions were held with top officials and relevant data and publication were collected. Such documents in respect of each goal are identified in an annex at the end of this report. D. Literature view In the literature view we like to provide some complements about MEG of many organizations or intellectuals.

This is given below – UNDO, in collaboration with national governments, is coordinating reporting by countries on progress towards the UN Millennium Development Goals. The framework for reporting includes eight goals based on the UN Millennium Declaration. For each goal there is one or more specific target, along with specific social, economic and environmental indicators used to track progress towards the goals. Support for reporting at the country level includes close consultation by UNDO with partners in the UN Development Group, other UN partners, the World Bank, MIFF and COED and regional groupings and experts.

The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs is coordinating reporting on progress towards the goals at the global level. There are many researcher & journalist put their opinion on MEG. For an Example – In September 2000 a Journalist Ivies Debtor Report that, UN General Assembly agreed to a Millennium Declaration. What was interesting about this declaration, as opposed to several other UN declarations, was that some specific timeliness were set out in a section on Development and Poverty Eradication”.

In December 2000, General Assembly asked Secretary General to prepare a roadman for implementing this declaration and by September 2001, such a roadman was available. Effectively, it is this document that first set out what came to be accepted as eight Meds: (1) Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; (2) Achieve universal primary education; (3) Promote gender equality Ana empower women: 4) Reduce canny Improve maternal Neal; (6 Combat HIVE/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases; (7) Ensure environmental sustainability; and (8) Develop a global partnership for development.