Business function

The Role of a Manager in Functional Areas of a Business The employees in a functional area of business have specific roles in the departments to further the goals of the company. The functional areas off business are human resources, management, law, leadership, accounting, finance, research and statistics, marketing, economics, operations management, and strategic planning.

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A functional organization structure will group Its employees by different skills to put them In the correct functional areas. Business managers perform all actively In an organization, they usually calibrate these activities by skills that the employees have to do their Jobs. A manager Is a person that leads, plans, organize, and control their employees. “When a company assigns specific functions to employees it will help prevent errors, reduce cost, and ensure work gets done. ” (Ashes-Edmunds, 2015).

Functional managers lead their departments by planning, organizing, and controlling the functional departments in a business: human resource, administration, finance, accounting, law, economics, operations, racketing, research, leadership and strategic planning. Human resource, legal, and administration is the departments that makes sure the company stays in compliance with state and federal laws, hiring employees, to get employees proper training to do their Jobs, and establishes pay scales for employees.

Human resource manager keeps polices up to date and to make sure managers have the Jobs proper description and compensation plans for each employee. Human resource and the administration will make sure that each manager will have opportunities for training for their employees. The human resource, legal, and administration have to keep up to date on the laws that will affect the company and its employees. The legal department will deal with all the legal issues that the human resource department does not, for example, lawsuits. Legal compliance has a direct bearing on the regulatory constraints within which strategic planning occurs and how human resource procedures are enacted. ” (Patrick, 201 5) The function and duties of these departments will work closely with the employees within the company. The marketing, operating, and research departments functions of a business Includes arrest research, sales, publicity, distribution, planning, and data collections. The marketing department will determine the products that the company Introduces to the market place.

They will use market research to determine what the consumers want out of their company. Marketing will also help set prices to consumers based products by advertisements. A good manager in marketing will be able to market and research the products that a consumer wants. These managers will have to collect data and research on these products so he can forecast what the consumers ant out in the market. The managers in marketing operations and research have to work closely together to make the company run smoothly.

Managers in finance, accounting, and economics will need to have expertise in these fields. Economist conduct research, collect and analyze data for the finance and accounting of business. The finance and accounting will make and receive all payments for the company and record all financial transactions. They will provide funds needed by the company to support its present and forecasted future levels of operation. The enhance managers have to make sure there is enough money to run the whole company.

The economics will do the research for products and the finance will figure out the way to pay for the products their company needs to invest in for the marketplace. Sharing data efficiently and effectively within and between business functions and functional area leads to more efficient business process. As it states in the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences “managers must act entrepreneurial, think strategically, and execute flawlessly (or very nearly so) if hey are to lead their organizations successfully’ (Auger & Tech, 2015).