Advanced Lifespan and Development by John Santrock

Assignment I-Advanced Lifespan and Development For each of the following statements, indicate whether you agree or disagree and why. ;My baby started walking and talking earlier than other babies. I know he will be smart. (Disagree) In regards to walking and talking early developmental behavior is not predictive of later intelligence. Some early childhood developmental tests are helpful to assess developmental delays or advancement. If delays are prominent, therapeutic intervention may be required.

On the whole, baby or infant “intelligence” tests measure different types of behaviors, language, gross motor, seniority and social kills compared with adult Intelligence tests that measure spatial and verbal abilities. Habituation and disambiguation measures have been found to be more predictive of later intelligence in children. Source: Excerpted from Seal,J. (1989, July). 10 myths about child development. Parents, up. 81-84, 87 ;l pick up my baby as soon as she starts to cry.

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My friend thinks I am going to spoil her. (Disagree) Crying Is one way babies communicate their needs. In the early childhood development, crying is not an attempt to manipulate parents; thus, swift responses will not spoil the baby. Insinuator’s attachment research has found that more sensitive, responsive caregivers Is related to more secure attachments, more independence, more exploration of environment, and less crying. Source: Excerpted from Seal,J. (1989, July). 0 myths about child development. Parents, up. 81-84, 87. ;l want to have only one child, but my partner thinks that only children have problems relating to other children. (Disagree) Recent research on only children suggests that they are achievement oriented, bright, successful. Popular Individuals with good personalities. They are less likely to join organizations, and they have fewer friends. Yet, if they do join a group, only children are more likely to be the leader of that group.

Source: Excerpted from Saga’, J. (1989, July) 10 myths about child development. Parents, up. 81-84, 87. ;l think that In order to raise a well-disciplined child, I will have to use physical discipline. (Disagree) Children disciplined with physical means are more likely to be angry, aggressive. Fearful of the individual who gives the punishment, and violent. Source: Excerpted trot Seal,J. 1989, July) . Mm hats about child development. Parents, up. 81-84, 87.