Areas Of Development

Describe, with examples for each area of development, how different aspects of development can attest one another. Physical development can have an emotional effect on a child because if the child does something good then they will get praised With will have a positive effect on the child which will make them happy. However, the child’s social development could be affected because if the child has a physical disability, e. G. He child is in a wheelchair, then the child would find it hard articulating In certain physical activities/ games such as football or tennis and find It hard to form new friendships because if the child does not take part in new activities or games which could make him really angry and frustrated because he is unable to participate In things Like other children which could affect his confidence. Physical development can affect his cognitive development because if the child does not take part in activities then the child would find it difficult learning about the game/ subject.

Also If he does not use certain parts of his body due to this physical disability then the child may find it hard to communicate better than others because the child does not use certain muscles which could make it hard to learn or talk. Emotional development can have an physical effect on a child because if the child participates in physical activities then the child would feel happy and more confident in taking part in other activities, emotional development can also detects child’s social development, e. G. The child is always upset, unconfirmed then the child may find it radar to form new friendships which would make the child have a low self esteem which would make it difficult for the child to make new friends. A child’s emotional development can affect their behavior especially if the child finds it hard to show emotion then the child would get angrier and would be unable to control himself. Emotional development could have a cognitive effect on the child development because if the child is always unhappy then the child would have a low self esteem and find It difficult to learn new things and not try and learn In the future.

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A child’s emotional development can also effect the child’s communication because if the is always withdrawn and does not participate in activities then the child would not talk to people and have a low self esteem. Social development can have a physical effect on a child’s development because If the child participates In group activities then the child would be able to talk to different people and join in more physical activities which would help the child make new friends, which would improve the child’s self esteem and make the child more confident.

It the child has a high sell esteem because the child can tort new friendships then the child would have a positive effect on his behavior, also if the child has a positive social development then the child would be able to learn and work better In a team and tint it easier working with other people as well as communicate with other people, however if the child finds it difficult make new friends and finds It hard joining new activities then the child would have a low self esteem which would d nave a negative detect on the child’s behavior, the child would to be able to learn and work with other people and may find it hard to communicate with others and participate in teams.

Behavioral development could have an negative effect on the child physical development because if the finds it hard to control their behavior and is always misbehaving when working with others then the child would not be able to participate in team activities which would mean the child would not be able to learn new experiences when playing games, be unable to form new friendships which loud affect his social development because another child withdraw from you because other children know how you behave with others and not want to be friends with you and emotionally have a low self esteem because the child would be told off when he/ she does something wrong, which would lead to the child not feeling very good about them self.

The child’s cognitive development would be effected because if the child is always misbehaving then the child would not learn in class and always disrupt other people’s learning. The child’s communication development could suffer cause if the child has a negative behavior then the child would be unable to communicate to others because other children would not want to communicate with the child. Cognitive development: If the child finds it hard to learn new things then the child would not participate in games and activities because the child does not understand the rules which could mean that the child would not take part this could also affect his emotional development because the child does not know how to Communication development could be affected