Art Of Getting Customers

Once you’ve settled on a great product or service, let it bloom. When new, unintended customers use your products in unexpected ways, don’t freak out. Instead, accept this change and be happy that any people are buying your products and using them in any way. In the bottom left corner, you have a mediocre product or service and other companies are doing the same mediocre thing. You want to be in the upper right ornery, where you have a great product that’s also unique. This is the place where margin, money, and history are made.

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For example, when I worked for a then-Littleton computer company, we thought Fortune 500 MIS employees should use our device as a database, spreadsheet, and wordiness’s machine. We were zero-for- three there. Luckily, writers, authors, publishers, and designers used our product for desktop publishing, and the company was saved. DEICE Framework Very Unique Sweet Spot Mediocrity Compete on Price Valuable Not So Valuable Not So Unique 4 Don’t Worry About Scale;Yet People worry too much about scaling;their ability to expand a business rapidly.

Their thinking goes like this: “l can put in a lot of effort to close a sale now, but what happens when Vive got to handle thousands of customers? ” Or, “l can put tenderloin-care into baking cupcakes now, but what happens when I have 500 stores around the world? ” These shouldn’t be the issues you focus on. Instead, do whatever it takes to close each sale now and to make that one cupcake store successful. If you can close one sale or make one location a hit, it won’t matter if you can scale.