Facts are general information read off the internet, textbooks, history books, geography books, maps, newspapers, and all sorts of media. Usually facts are not presented in point form, or directly. Facts are implied, or expressed through a statement which one makes. These statements, however, contains some kind of bias, due to the background, culture, and race of the author. Facts do not prove anything, but gives a rough sketch of what has happened in the past. It is the interpretation of one who reads the facts to determine what is proven.
Generally, facts are easy to take in; it’s just raw data that means nothing. To change facts to knowledge, hence prove or disprove statements, are more important and useful than plain raw data. In the science field, many facts are presented, such as the periodic table, acidic levels of elements, the reaction rate of elements and other facts. There is a procedure to follow, and amount of substance to use. The result, however, may differ from groups.
Group A, and group B might end up with a different result, because of the limits and uncertainties that the group might encounter. Therefore, the results will be different, not totally, but there is a noticeable difference. The difference will not be the change in the product that is produced; the difference can be the amount, or the state that the substance is in or other minor differences. Some might argue that these small differences does not matter, the point is that the substance that is formed is the same, despite the difference in amount or form. That is technically correct, for example, H20 (liquid) does equal to H20 (solid), however, by asking any reasonable person that “is ice and water the same thing?” a normal person would say no. The reason being that ice is usually used to cool substances, and water is normally used to drink. The facts are that H20 (liquid) equals to H20 (solid), but the interpretation of one decides if that statement is true or false.
Interpretation is not the only other way to prove a statement; there are other ways to prove a statement. When people look back at history, major events such as World War I, World War II, September 11th event and other major and minor wars, many people have different views on the war, therefore leading to many different “proofs”. Difference in religion and race will lead to many different conclusions as to who really won the war. After the September 11th event, the attack on the World Trade Centre, many people were shocked, especially the people of America, and most of the rest of the world. Many people were in grief and pain over the deaths of one’s family members or friends. This, however, was not the only emotion that spread around the world at that time. The terrorist rejoiced and celebrated after this event, as a victory over the Americans. The fact is that the World Trade Centre had collapsed; however, one cannot say that the world was left in grief. Many people rejoiced, and many people suffered. There are always two sides to an event. Religion and race, therefore, plays an important role in the proving of statements.
The novels and stories that one reads in English class are usually complicated, and to understand the novel or story requires a fair amount of interpretation. That is, however, not the only skill that is required in order to understand a story and thus to discuss and prove the theme of a story. The experience that one has will also affect the interpretation of a story or novel. Within an English class, many discussions are based on interpretations of a novel or story. Some people are able to discuss further, and deeper into a topic than other students within the class. This is due to the fact that one has more experience is that particular field than others. The basic idea, and plot of the story is the facts, and the interpretation, and experience of the reader proves rather the theme or themes are correct. None of the interpretations are wrong, however, the more experience one has on the topic will conclude to a more reasonable proof than one who has no experience on the topic.
In some cases, when a relative died, or injured due to another person’s cause, one would not be able to control their emotions. This often leads to proofs that are wrong, and results to innocent people being locked up from freedom forever. When one is emotionally stressed, they make decisions without thinking, therefore proving anything and everything. When one’s family members involved in a car crash, and dies. One will blame anyone that he/she can find. One would blame the person who didn’t stop the victim from driving, or the police and ambulance for coming late, or the person or people that the victim has hit. Emotion is also needed to prove statements, or other problems, however, it is the most unreliable, and usually used when one is in stress. The accident will be the facts in this case, and the emotions will help to prove who caused the accident.
Many people, however, would argue that the facts are true, and that it doesn’t require anything to prove a statement. Without facts, then there would be nothing to interpret, therefore, facts does not require other skills to prove, it just needs to be read. This might be true in some ways, but not totally. People who think this way is mislead. When reading anything, one would automatically interpret it, applying the facts to his/her own knowledge. One statement, therefore, could mean slightly different to everyone, due to his/her interpretation. Without facts, then there would be nothing to interpret, however, without interpretation, facts are useless. Facts are raw data, and are not significant until one actually understands and proves rather it’s right or wrong.
If facts by themselves never prove or disprove anything, all the ways of knowledge will prove or disprove anything. It is the ways of knowledge that helps one proves statements, facts, cases, and other situations. Facts are the first step to proving a situation or statements, and the ways of knowledge is the bridge that runs between facts, and proven statements and situations. The areas of knowledge, applied with the ways of knowledge will lead raw data to proven facts, or statements. Without the ways of knowing, there will be no proven statements. One must be able to think, in order to prove a fact. Fact alone will do nothing in proving itself.
A fact needs to be thought over, discussed, and preferably applied to the areas of knowledge in order to be proven. No fact alone can be proven without the ways of knowledge, and the areas of knowledge. While facts are important, ways of knowledge (emotion, reason, perception and language) and the areas of knowledge (Natural Sciences, Human Sciences, Ethics, Mathematics, History, Arts) are equally important. Together, these three work as a group to prove, and to disprove a situation, or fact. Though, the prove might not be correct, but it’s still considered as proven, and has gone through all the process to come to a conclusion.
Problems of Knowledge 1. Facts can be interpreted in different ways 2. All forms of literature are presented with a bias 3. Different people may end up with different conclusions because of their own bias, and the bias that is presented to them 4. How can we say one interpretation is more correct than another? 5. How can proves and disproves be wrong if its already proven?