Business and administration unit

Health and safety b) List three key points of legislation that affect employees In a business Pay: there are so many legislations about employee pay, for example protection of omen for being paid fairly or the National Minimum Wage. Data protection: employees must know their personal data cannot be divulged to a third party and it has to be relevant and not exaggerated. Employment rights and responsibilities 3. Identify a range of places where a person can find information on employment rights and responsibilities. You should identify at least two internal and two external sources of information.

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Internal sources of employment rights and responsibilities can be found within an organization: Line managers can give information Human Resource department Trade union representatives External sources of employment rights and responsibilities are found outside the organization: Representative bodies such as ACS (they provide information, advice and other services for employers and employees to help overtake or solve workplace problems Citizens Advice Bureau (help people resolve their legal, money and other Human Rights Commission (give expert information, advice and support on discrimination and human rights) Websites (e. . Direction. Co. UK, hose. Gob. UK) 4. Describe how representative bodies can support employees. There are two big groups of representative bodies, the trade unions and non-trade onions. Trade unions are large organizations, can be specialized for an occupation or for a common industry. Their representatives can help employees in health and safety, pensions, information and consultation representation, European consultative bodies, Transfer of undertakings, Workforce Agreement, Collective redundancy, Union learning and Collective bargaining.

Non-trade union representations have much more limited consultations including staff associations and trade associations. Non-trade unions have the right to help employees in everything that Trade unions can except Union learning and Collective bargaining. . Identify employer and employee responsibilities for equality and diversity in a business environment. You should give at least two employer responsibilities and two employee responsibilities. If possible, provide relevant equality and diversity procedures from your workplace (or place of study) to support your answer.

These documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant sections. Employer responsibilities: Preventing unfair discrimination: the government try to hold back the unfair and discriminatory behavior with laws. Training: Employers have a responsibility to give many training on workplace diversity to all of the employees. Employees responsibilities: Following organization provisions relating to equality and diversity Treating colleagues with respect 6. Explain the benefits of making sure equality and diversity procedures are followed in a business environment.

Your answer should include one benefit for the employer, one benefit for the employee and one benefit for the overall organization. Equality and diversity procedures are very important in a business environment. Every employers should train staff on equality and diversity theme to avoid unfair coordination and make sure everyone’s knowledge is on the level that they are capable to do high quality Job. The fairly treated employee will be happy to work for the organization and will provide good results for the business. Business environment la.

Identify employer and employee responsibilities for health and safety. Employers have to insure under the Health and Safety at work etc Act 1974 the health, safety and welfare of their workers and other people who might be affected by their business. Employers must do everything is reasonably practicable to lower the risk of any harm in the workplace. Employers also have to give information about the incidental risks and train the workers how to deal with these. Health records must be appropriate by the Data Protection Act 1998.

Employees must know the health and safety legislations supplemented with the organization’s framework. Workers have a duty to take care of their own and their colleagues health and safety. 1 b. Identify employer and employee responsibilities for security. If possible, provide relevant health, safety and security policies / documents from your workplace (or place of study) to support your answer. These documents should e annotated to highlight the relevant sections. Employers must have a security system in their businesses to protect buildings, equipment, workers, personal goods and data (e. . CATV, security staff. Employees can reduce the risks by personal conduct ( wearing appropriate clothes and not taking alcohol or drugs), awareness and observation ( knowing your work environment, noticing any changes or dangers), personal action (take action in the given situation) and immediate reporting of potential hazard. 2. Explain the purpose of following health, safety and security procedures in a business environment. The prime role of these procedures is to protect the workforce.

By following the health, safety and security procedures employers and employees can improve the quality of the workplace and it can provide economic benefits also. The failure of following the Health and Safety Act may mean that the organization has broken the law which can cause fines, closures or prison sentence. Not following the procedures can come with harm to people inside or outside the organization. 3. Describe three different ways of maintaining a safe and secure business Having a security system can protect for example the buildings from being Andalusia, can reduce thefts or protect workers from personal attack.

Every business every people to make sure they have the knowledge to follow the procedures. An organization has a framework to brief employees of the risks and responsibilities at work. Section 3 – Understand how to communicate effectively with others verbal, two non-verbal and two written methods of communication. Communicating effectively is indispensable in the business life. Everyone is responsible that they are understood what was being said or written. One of the communication method is the verbal communication.

This can be a one-to-one concussion or even a performance to a large group. Communicating non-verbally is inseparable from verbal communication, we receive lots of information by this method. Our gestures, movements or voice tone can give a cleaner picture of the topic we talking about when we give presentations or discussing with other people. Many times personal communicating is not possible or not necessary, we can give written information by emails, forms, notes or fax but always have to make sure the message is accurate ant cannot be misunderstood. . Using two specific examples, explain how to choose the most appropriate method f communication to meet your needs and the needs of others. By choosing the most effective method of communication we need to be really prudent. Before deciding which way we will use need to think about some important points such as the target audience, type of communication and many more. For example if I need to ask for an emergency holiday due to health problems I won’t call all the managers and staff for a meeting.

The best way is an one-to-one discussion with my direct manager in a private place where no one can hear it. But if I Just want to tell my colleague that on the next day what kind of sandwich I wish to order I will eave a message on his/her desk or send him/her a text message. 3. Describe at least two ways of actively listening. Face-to-face meetings and person-to-person communications are require active listening. Some of the people can exactly repeat back what has been communicated when others need more effort to fully understand it.

The most important thing is to look at the speaker and focus on what he/she saying. It is recommended to choose a quiet environment to make sure the conversation or meeting can’t be distracted or interrupted. Always recap the received information to make sure it’s correct, if omitting is missing or not fully understood there’s always a possibility to ask questions at the end. Everybody have a responsibility to make sure that the information what was being said is correct and fully understood. 1. Explain the purpose of agreeing standards for your own work.

Give at least two reasons. Businesses are cannot work successfully without work standards. Having a standard of work means that managers and employees are following their instructions, everyone will know what the expectations are from them and from the others. The most commonly used work standards are the wastage, behavioral and quality tankards. By following the standards shows that the person is responsible and reliable, people can count on him/her to get things done. With standards monitoring the tasks is much easier.

I used to work as a restaurant hostess in a very busy restaurant in central London. By standing at the door behind the reception desk I gave the first impression to the guests. We had our standards how to welcome and treat everyone to make them feel special and they would look forward to their meal without negative thoughts. From the many standards the other most important was o take the reservations right, make sure the name, telephone number, date and time of the reservation, the number of persons are correct and if there was a special event (e. G. Airhead party) it has been added to the notes. If these details are wrong this can cause big problems for the restaurant and dissatisfied guests. For example the cover of the party is 20 people and someone added Just 10 people to the reservation that means the table has been prepared for 10 people and in a busy time there are no more seats for the whole group. In an organization if people work to different or rower standard that can affect the other employees work and also the team relationship. 2. Explain the purpose of taking on new challenges and being able to adapt to change at work.

Businesses need to change from time to time due to many reasons for example the introduction of new technologies. That means workers have to improve there skills or take on new challenges. The employees who are willing to learn and change they are more likely to get more opportunities and the possibility to advance. Resisting the changes and challenges means they are not willing to develop their knowledge which ill become obsolete and deficient. Also because of this negative behavior that person can lose his/her Job. 3. Explain the purpose of treating others with honesty and consideration. Environment where people are more motivated, focused on their Job and more likely to share their thoughts, experiences and information with their colleagues. Be honest, listen to others and respect their viewpoints, tolerate different perspectives and you will receive back the same benefits. This conduct is essential to have a productive and prosperous workplace where people are happy to work which can result economic benefits too. Section 5 – Know how to plan own work and be accountable to others 1 . Explain the purpose of meeting work standards and deadlines when completing tasks in a business environment.

An organization can’t work without appropriate work standards and deadlines which have to be clear to achieve results. Everybody has a responsibility to do their Job as it’s required from them. If someone fails this can slow down or hold back others work flow and it can seriously affect the outcomes for customers. When standards and deadlines are not met this can cause many problems for the organization like delays, extra costs, customers may not get what they expected or in the worst situation customers will go somewhere else to get what they want in time on reasonable price. 2.

Identify two different methods that you can use to plan your own work in a Daily to-do list: The best way to plan daily work is to write a list on a paper about what has to be done and by when. Always need to make sure the timing is correct otherwise there is possibility that some things won’t be done. Scheduling work: Proportioning tasks helps to get the most important Jobs done in time. There are two ways to think of: urgency and importance. 3. Describe ways of keeping other people informed about progress and compare their effectiveness. What are the benefits and drawbacks of each approach?

Keeping others informed is really important, makes working process more effective, people can help each other to solve the quick arose problems. There are many ways to inform colleagues but to choose the right method need to think about what is the information, when we have to share, who is it for and how it should be communicated. Also the desired outcome of the communication, target audience and complexity of message cannot be neglected. There are progress updates that often incommunicado to only one person and usually a verbal note or an email is adequate.

If any problems arise, a more detailed recap may be required. Face-to-face small chance of misunderstanding. However if the problem is complicated and it affect more people a meeting would be a better choice because face-to-face communication can be distracted and it’s Just between 2-3 people. Communicating by email is really fast, can be used any time (24/7), free and can be sent to one person or even to a group. The disadvantage of using this method is that the recipient needs access to the Internet. There’s no guarantee the email will be read,