Business Law

Chapter 4 actionable Capable of serving as the basis of a lawsuit. An actionable claim can be pursued in a lawsuit or other court action. Actual malice The deliberate intent to cause harm that exists when a person makes a statement with either knowledge of its falsity or reckless disregard of the truth. Actual malice is required to establish defamation against public figures. Appropriation In tort law, the use by one person of another person’s name, likeness, or other identifying characteristic without permission and for the benefit of the user. Assault NY word or action intended to make another person fearful of immediate physical harm?a reasonably believable threat. Assumption of risk a defense to negligence. A plaintiff may not recover for injuries or damage suffered from risks he or she knows of and has voluntarily assumed. Battery Unexcused, harmful or offensive, physical contact with another that is intentionally performed. Business invitee a person, such as a customer or a client, who is invited onto business premises by the owner of those premises for business purposes. Business tort Wrongful interference with another’s business rights and relationships.

Causation in fact an act or omission without which an event would not have occurred. Comparative negligence a rule in tort law, used in the majority of states, that reduces the plaintiffs recovery in proportion to the plaintiffs degree of fault, rather than barring recovery completely. Compensatory damages a monetary award equality to ten actual value AT lemurs or damage status n the aggrieved party. Contributory negligence A rule in tort law, used in only a few states, that completely bars the plaintiff from recovering any damages if the damages suffered is partly the plaintiffs own fault. Inversion Wrongfully taking or retaining possession of an individual’s personal property and placing it in the service of another. Cyber tort A tort committed in cyberspace. Damages A monetary award sought as a remedy for a breach of contract or a tortuous action. Defamation Anything published or publicly spoken that causes injury to another’s good name, reputation, or character. Defense A reason offered and alleged by a defendant in an action or lawsuit as to why the plaintiff should not recover or establish what she or he seeks. Spearmint of property An economically injurious falsehood about another’s product or property. Ram shop act A state statute that imposes liability on the owners of bars and taverns, as well as those who serve alcoholic drinks to the public, for injuries resulting from accidents caused by intoxicated persons when the sellers or servers of alcoholic drinks contributed to the intoxication. Duty of care The duty of all persons, as established by tort law, to exercise a reasonable amount of care in their dealings with others.

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Failure to exercise due care, which is normally determined by the reasonable person standard, constitutes the tort of negligence. Fraudulent misrepresentation Any misrepresentation, either by misstatement or by omission of a material fact, knowingly made with the intention of deceiving another and on which a reasonable person would and does rely to his or her detriment. Good Samaritan statute A state statute stipulating that persons who provide emergency services to, or rescue, someone in peril cannot be sued for negligence unless they act recklessly, thereby casuals Turner unarm.

Intentional tort a wrongful act knowingly committed libel defamation in writing or another form having the quality of permanence (such as a chital recording) malpractice professional misconduct or the lack of the requisite degree of skill as a professional (negligence) negligence the failure to exercise the standard of care that a reasonable person would exercise in similar circumstances negligence per SE an action or failure to act in violation of a statutory requirement privilege in tort law, immunity from liability for an action that would otherwise be a tort proximate cause legal cause.

It exists when the connection between an act and an injury is strong enough to Justify imposing liability. Puffery salesperson’s often exaggerated claims concerning the quality of property offered for sale. Such claims involve opinions rather than facts and are not legally binding promises or warranties. Punitive damages monetary damages that may be awarded to a plaintiff to punish the defendant and deter similar conduct in the future reasonable person standard the standard of behavior expected of a hypothetical “reasonable person’.

It is the standard against which negligence is measured and that must be observed to avoid liability fir negligence. Rest pips liqueur a doctrine under which negligence may be inferred simply because an event occurred, if it is the type of event that would not occur in the absence of negligence. Literally, the term means “the facts speak for themselves. Slander automation In oral Tort slander of quality (trade libel) the publication of false information about another’s product, alleging that it is not what its seller claims slander of title the publication of a statement that denies or casts doubt on another’s legal ownership of any property, causing financial loss to that property’s owner strict liability liability regardless of fault, which is imposed on those engaged in abnormally ungenerous activities, or persons who keep dangerous animals, and on manufactures or sellers that introduce into commerce defective and unreasonably dangerous goods tort a wrongful act (other than a breach of contract) that results in harm or injury to another and leads to civil liability toreadors one who commits a tort trespass to land entry onto, above, or below the surface of land owned by another without the owner’s permission or legal authorization trespass to personal property wrongfully taking or harming the personal property of another or otherwise interfering with the lawful owner’s possession of personal property

Business Law

House Bill 1804 In 2007, House Bill 1804 was established in Oklahoma. This is a strict anti-illegal immigration law introduced by Randy Terrible, Republican State Representative. Under his law it is considered a felony to give an illegal person any type of help if you knowingly have grounds to suspect them of being illegal. It also restricts the State from providing healthcare, education, or any other services to include infants as well.

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According to Marina Terrine’s article, “Oklahoma latest State recognizing anti- immigrant law was bad business”, said that “Since the passage of House Bill 1804, we’ve seen a mass exodus of undocumented Immigrants who have taken up residence In Texas and other surrounding states where they pump millions of dollars onto those economies, House Bill 1804 did little more than put Oklahoma companies at a disadvantage by sending dedicated, knowledgeable workers to competing companies In other states. Losing that workforce has been devastating for many of Oklahoman Industries, Including agriculture, energy and construction. How Oklahoma Businesses are affected House Minority leader, Danny Morgan, Democrat from Prague states that “the lack of a well-trained and educated workforce is the top issue holding the state back financially. We have to develop a work force and we have to start now. ND to be honest, I am not sure House Bill 1804 is going to help Oklahoma business owners”. Both farmers and your everyday mom and pops stores are feeling the pressure of closing business because of the drop off of immigrant labor. As stated earlier the average America Isn’t willing to do the hard labor for pennies on the dollar.

Contractors, small businesses, and farmers are the areas where not have these individuals are hurting the most. According to Immigration Services 2012, “The impact of illegal immigrants on US economy has been drastic. 0 per cent of the farm workers, the major part of agriculture Industry are alien immigrants. Since the labor is cheap, all the products related to dairy and agriculture is comparatively cheap as well. The cost that is paid to farm workers is less than $20 an hour and also the work is just seasonal.

The work conditions on farm are severely tough as well and thus, majority of the Native Americans are not Interested In such low paid tough Jobs. The agriculture Industry as of today fears that Implementation of this law might Just reek their back bones since cheap foreign labor will not be available and the natives will not work for such low Jobs. ” The small business owners enjoy cheap labor that is provided by Illegal Immigrants as well. It Is believed by residents that the cheap labor provided by these Immigrants cost them well pall Jobs.

However, some representatives of the government make a conviction that the economy of the country receives a major boost by the extension of Gross Domestic Products (GAP) as well as I OFF upwards due to illegal immigration. Over the years, there has been a consistent cost of Gross domestic products and it has grown over 10 billion dollars owing to alien immigrants which is of great significance. Undoubtedly, the workforce has increased due to these alien immigrants and this has led to more production, output as well as income of the states be it agriculture or construction.

In a free market economy, the prices of goods and services are also affected by alien immigrants. However, before the price is set up, various things such as affordability, consumer’s purchasing power and demand supply are taken into consideration by the manufacturers. The prices are adjusted according to the level of income as well as spending power of majority of consumers and the prices and profits can be kept in check due to cheap labor cost (Immigration Services, 2012).

Media and it’s take on Immigration The media’s coverage on illegal immigrants typically give the publics perception of this issue as Hispanics are people who take’ Americans Jobs and drives the American economy in the tank. A prejudiced is then developed against all Hispanic individuals and the assumption is immediately made that they are illegal. Media encourages torero type and bias of the Hispanic population along with other cultures. In the workplace it becomes increasingly difficult for the Hispanic population.

Prejudice and discrimination against immigrants in the workplace is a real problem. It is important to educate everyone on the realities regarding the civil liberties that apply to all people in the US, regardless of their nationality or ethnic origin. The issue of immigrants in the labor force and the US economy may have a negative effect as portrayed by the media. The two fold negative effect is the Hispanic population has or decades become very comfortable in some lower end positions of work.

The work is completed quickly and most time very well done and overtime and early morning work is no problem. Where this issue becomes concerning is that American companies that hire workers pay them cash per day or weekly, which means that these companies take no tax out and pays no tax for individuals. Here is an example of Hispanic workers vs.. American workers pay. The average American worker makes about $1 5 per hrs plus benefits. The average immigrant worker will work harder, anger and faster without getting benefits and less pay.

Conclusion Immigration is not something that is going to be fixed overnight. Numerous businesses are hurting from the missing labor that immigrants provide. While most American enjoys their well paid nine to five; immigrants are hard at work helping to fuel our economy. Think about the next salad that you eat or the next time you’re in your local grocer buying produce, the majority of it is picked and processed by an immigrant worker. Without their work force in agriculture many items that we enjoy today may become obsolete.