Business Management

As a result, business has skyrocketed and the company has owe expanded to five factories that are located in Malaysia and the Philippines. Headquartered in Portland, OR, COMIC also has two new small R&D facilities where research is conducted to increase the HP of the single phase motors. Additionally, there are over 1100 company employees including managers, supervisors, sales personnel, engineers, factory line workers, etc. IT resources are overwrought and future goals are not attainable.

The desire to reduce IT costs and improve business productivity is a major concern for COMIC. Their primary focus is to consolidate business practices, processes, and procedures that are not consistent between COMIC headquarters, the two small R&D facilities, and its five factory locations. The need for an Enterprise Architecture (EAI) is a critical instrument for venture efficiency in short-, mid- and long-terms. EAI impacts the effect of Comic’s business operational processes, their cost and associated risks- the key factors for company efficiency even at tough times.

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Criteria Application for a Successful EAI Implementation Below describes success factors for developing, implementing, and managing enterprise architectures for COMIC: Successful Enterprise Architecture Implementation Factors Factor Criteria Application Company Commitment Enterprise executives, managers, and employees must all provide an effort to support any enterprise architecture system. All potential users of the applications and systems based upon the architecture must be involved in the process.

Without both management sponsorship and universal involvement, the enterprise architecture implementation will fail. Strategic Plan A strategic plan outlines the company mission, purpose, goals, strategies and performance measures (business requirements) which can eliminate potential implementation issues. A multi-dimensional plan must be created and enforced to incorporate the company’s overall plan. Subordinate plans must also be created to commingle Walt every enterprise element to Include performance measures Tort every critical outcome.

Customized Business Requirements Developing enterprise architectures without first determining strategic business requirements is a sure recipe for failure. Create a strategic plan and identify the performance measures in the plan. This will become the basis for the architecture models as well as the information systems, decision support systems, and data warehouses. Utilize tools to Support Implementation Combinations of development tools are necessary to consistently, quickly, and effectively develop an EAI application.

The usage of development tools such as modeling tools, repositories and fourth/filth generation programming languages are absolutely essential shall be utilized to complete implementation. Enhance Knowledge A specialized set of skills and knowledge is required to efficiently implement a company’s architecture and the related systems. The necessary skills and knowledge may be acquired by hiring experienced consultants, or by training internal staff. Skills and knowledge may be acquired by hiring experienced consultants or by training internal staff members.

Additionally, experience with online analytical processing (OLAP) tools and systems integration can also be helpful. Monitor the Enterprise Architecture Monitoring an EAI system ensures its effectiveness. Additionally, it also shows if systems need to improve or change. Cross-functional performance shall be utilized and linked to the appropriate strategies, objectives, and performance criteria. Keep things Simple Keeping processes and procedures as simple as possible makes the implementation f an EAI easy to understand and use.

Documentation should include content of business procedures, processes, reports and queries. (“Five Keys to a Successful Enterprise Architecture Program Enterprise Systems”, n. D. , p. 3) Conclusion Implementing successful enterprise architecture is not the same as implementing smaller or normal application developments. Its scope is broader, its visibility is greater, its user community is larger, and it is more prone to failure. Enterprise architecture engineering will assist in delivering effective applications and systems hat exactly meets the needs of COMIC.