Business Process Reengineering at Victor

Victor operates in complementary marketplaces: Forms, Print Management and Related Products which includes Label Systems and Integrated Business Solutions including personalized direct marketing, statement printing and database management. With more than a century of service, Victor owns and operates over 100 manufacturing and distribution/ warehousing facilities worldwide. With approximately 14,000 employees serving 47 countries, it provides leading edge, high- tech solutions that enable companies to adapt to the dynamics of change.

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Victor is a large company with approximately USED 2. 45 billion in 1999 and USED 2. 26 billion in 000 revenue. Victor provides consulting, project management, reengineering and distribution of high volume, customized communications to its clients. It delivers personalized, easy-to-read documents intended to facilitate a positive impression on an organization’s customers. As understood by the top management, its reengineering and redesign services intend to ensure that an organization’s business communications have high quality and clarity.

Equipped with the latest print and digital technologies, Victor has become a market leader in managing critical business communications. Victor is a conservative organization in that (it purports that) it doesn’t embrace “bleeding edge” technology to obtain a competitive advantage. It has been in existence for many years and depends on a good reputation with its clients and positive “word-of-mouth” to attract and maintain its client base.

Hence, Victor wants to deploy proven technology that will help satisfy and exceed customer requests and expectations. The major technologies utilized include mainframe systems to store centralized production data and serve the core applications of the business and client-server technologies for development and lily operations such as e-mail, file transfer, web access, etc. Victor Communications was under-performing according to its board of directors and major stockholders.

That is, its market share was declining, its revenues were not growing as expected, and its share price was plummeting. The stakeholders agreed that drastic improvements were needed. It thereby decided that reengineering of its basic Dustless processes was ten correct path to Anna retake. I nee stakeholders Delve that the power of IT would complement BPR efforts. We mask the name of the vendor y calling the software high profile technology (HP).

Since Victor is conservative in terms of IT investments, it chose enterprise software that had been in existence for over 30 years with worldwide name recognition. It was hoped that this software would facilitate automation of redesigned processes while improving overall system performance in terms of increased information sharing, process efficiency, standardization of IT platforms, and data mining/warehousing capabilities. Although the software investment was very significant, top management felt that it was a good