Case Study in Curriculum Development

In the year 1999 the benefits of electronic testing to the educators is to give Information on the accuracy in answer gathering, analysis of scoring results and the reduction of human error in test taking, as well as computation and analysis of the test results on the computer. The electronic online testing is worth the cost because it is easy to use like in business, training & educational assessment with tests and quizzes graded instantly. Electronic testing or testing for short, Just means that you will take the test using a computer or other electronic device Instead of pencil and paper.

Testing has an ability to include novel types of questions which could potentially be graphical In nature or dynamic by using animations. In some cases test questions are drawn from question banks. If that is the case, everyone may receive a different version of the test. Depending on the option settings of the test, you may be able to see your score immediately upon completing the test. 2. How might Principal Harris deal with resistance from teachers who oppose the use of electronic testing and data analysis?

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Principal Harris wanted to have a good standards regarding in the processing of read and he also want to have an organize grading system that will be use in the electronic testing and data analysis. It can be use by the teachers in school because it helps to develop their learning in computer and applying it in their teaching strategy. Principal Harris should first state the objectives to the teacher. He also need to know the ideas of other teachers and the stakeholder that has something to do with the curriculum and which strategy will fit the plan.

The electronic learning (e- learning) literature has not addressed the measurement of learner satisfaction with asynchronous e-learning systems. Current models for measuring user satisfaction (US) and students’ evaluation of teaching effectiveness (SET) are perceived as inapplicable as they are targeted primarily towards either organizational information systems or classroom education environment. My study developed a comprehensive model and instrument for measuring learner satisfaction with asynchronous e- learning systems.

The procedures used in conceptualizing the survey, generating items, collecting data, and validating the multiple-item scale are described. This study carefully examined evidence of reliability, content validity, criterion-related laity, convergent validity, discriminate validity, and homological validity by analyzing data from a sample of 116 adult respondents. The norms of the instrument were then developed, and the potential applications for practitioners and researchers explored. Finally, this paper discusses limitations of the work.