The results generated form the “white wine purchasing” interviews show that social surrounding, temporal perspectives, task definition had major impacts on the respondents purchase decision. As white wine considered more expensive to purchase than women’s magazine, respondents rank price, taste and brand are the important concern for them to make their purchase decisions. As a result, four of the respondents seek suggestions from friends before they decide which brand of white wine they buying and two of the respondents ask recommendation from store keeper to help them decide which brand of white wine to buy.
Three of the respondents also use past experience of the white wine purchase to make the white wine purchase decision. Two of them purchased their white wine at supermarket because they want to buy some additional purchase with white wine. Two of the respondents purchased white wine at supermarket because of it is close to where she live. Two of the respondents choose liquor store to purchase white wine because of wide variety of choices.
Five of the respondents purchased white wine for their personal use and one of the respondents purchased white wine as gift for friend. Most of the respondents used corkscrew wine opener to open their bottle of white wine Moreover, three of the respondents consumed the white wine purchased with other people at home. Two of them consumed white wine alone at home and one of the respondents consumed white wine at a friend’ house. All of the respondents consumed white wine with dinner. Five of the respondents purchased white wine with additional purchase such as: food, beer and champion. Only one respondent purchased her white wine without additional purchase.
In addition, the reasons for the respondents in the interviews to purchase white wine are: love the taste, good price, white wine lover, helping with relax, enjoy, and share with friends. Only one respondent purchased white wine because it is a gift for a friend and the friend is a white wine lover. Therefore, the purpose for respondents to white wine is not only for themselves but for other people as well. Moreover, three of the respondents purchased their white wine with external influence i.e. their friends come over for dinner. As a result they would like to serve s nice bottle of white wine to show respect to friends and their self-perspective. In addition, five of the respondents purchased their white wine on special. Only one of them purchased the white wine at normal price. It suggests that a good price is also an external influence for white wine purchasing behaviour.
Furthermore, four of the respondents spend more than 5 minutes to make the decision of the white wine purchase and two of the respondents purchase white wine use less than 5 minutes. There is also one respondent used 20 minutes totally to make the purchase decision of white wine. On the other hand, different purchase processes were used in white wine purchasing. There are two of the respondents purchased white wine as planned purchases because they knew they are going to buy white wine and they also have already decide which one to buy. The other four of the respondent purchased white wine, as semi-planned purchases due to wanted to buy white wine in supermarket but did not decide which brand of white wine to purchase. Four of the respondents used credit card to paid their purchase of white wine, two used cash point card.
For those four respondents who used credit card to pay for their purchase, one of them used credit card because of that is the only card she had with her, three respondents paid by credit card they always use credit card to pay and if they spend over $10,000 their bank will give them some money back. The reason for those who use cash point card paid, they also did not other card to use and they do not bring cash with them. Moreover, two of the respondents went Foodtown-Glenfield to purchase the white wine they wanted before they went there, because that is the nearest supermarket for them and they know that supermarket sell the particular white wine they wanted.
In other words, white wine purchasing decision sequence for these two respondents is simultaneous (store and brand). There were also two respondents went to Foodtown-Glenfield to purchase white wine without known which brand of white wine they want to purchase. In this case, the chose store first rather than brand decision sequence. According to the findings of interview there were also two respondents purchased their white wine in liquor store because of wider variety of choice. Therefore, for those two respondents the decision sequence for store choice is brand first and store second.
Compare the purchase process and store choice between women’s magazine and white wine, single women use unplanned purchase intention and store first and brand second store choice decision for magazine purchase but repeat purchase them when they saw them which also shows that they have low level of purchase involvement in women’s magazine purchasing and the type of decision process is habitual decision making process. In contrast, for white wine purchasing, single women tend to use planned purchase intention as they know want to buy white wine but they are not sure which brand to buy before they go to the store and get more information about the white wine.
When they make store choice they use both ‘brand first and store second’ or ‘simultaneous’, they tend to care more about brand of white wine purchasing than women’s magazine. In this case, the type of purchase intention and store choice indicates that single women are higher level involved in white wine purchasing and the type of decision process is limited decision making process.