Child and Young Person Development

I Keen to show things to adults, anger and frustration if they cannot do what they want to do and delight and peppiness when they are enjoying something. I Three I Able to use the toilet and able to walk up stairs on alternate feet. I Speech that adults unfamiliar with the child can understand enjoyment of sand and water play and interested in mark- making, painting and books. I Keen to help and copy adults, enjoys dressing up and playing with small world toys and interest in other children and some co-operative play.

Four I children rolling on tricycles, clubbing and en]lying simple ball games and skilful use of the hands to do activities such as threading pouring and using scissors, I Children asking questions and enjoying talking and speech and pretend play that models adult life. I Children responding well to adults praise and recognition. Co-operative play between children along with the odd squabble and argument. I Five-six years I Ability to kick and control a ball and more legible handwriting and increase fine manipulative movements.

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I Enjoyment of Jokes and beginning to decode some tamari words. I Keen to understand and use rules and some friendship preferences. I Seven-nine years I Skilful, precise and confident hand movements and good at balancing, running and throwing I Verbal arguments, recursion and negotiation, children beginning to read books silently and children telling Jokes and enjoying chatting. I Play that involves turn-taking, children who understand rules and consequences and clear differences In play stateless that interest boys and girls.

I Nine -Eleven years I Skilled at drawing, coloring and manipulating small objects and kicking and using whole body movements Problem solving, detailed and representational pictures where children enjoy drawing. I Stable friendships that are usually same sex and enthusiasm when gives areas to responsibility. I Eleven- Thirteen years. I changes In body shape and increase in strength and stamina. I Able to read and write fluently manage own responsibilities. I Enjoyment when with friends and more confidences.

I Thirteen- Sixteen years I Increase In strength and stamina and changes to body shape due to pub High levels to skills in some subjects Confidence and enjoyment when with friends. I Sixteen -Nineteen years. I Girls now fully developed, boys likely to be still growing until they reach 18 years and boys with higher levels of stamina and strength. I Growing confidence in communicating tit older adults and increasing levels of intellectual maturity. I Good levels of confidences in young people who have identified their future goals and many young people exploring their sexuality.

I 1. 2- Different aspects of development can affect children and young people. Such as physical development- walking to find someone, running to a hiding place. Social, emotional and behavioral development- playing alongside others, respecting the rules, enjoying the game. Also communication and intellectual development- guessing where someone is hiding, thinking about where best to hide, using speech o agree the rules of the game, understanding the rules In the per-school I planned an activity for the children to complete an obstacle-course.

I read the children the bear hunt story and we spoke about going under, through and going over e. G. – river, mug, grass and snowstorm. I showed the children the obstacle- course and then demonstrated to the children what they had to do on the obstacle- course. Which was to go over the tires threw the boxes and up the stairs and down the slide. I asked the older children if they could support the younger children. O said to K I’ll help you K. 2. – There are a number of factors that can affect children and young people’s development the different kinds of influence is background, health and environment.

Background is family dynamics, parenting styles, poverty and culture. Then we have health which is sleep and diet also environment opportunities for education and learning, play and stimulation, safety, language and interaction and opportunities. * Background: Families and parents play a big part in children’s and young people’s development. There are many factors that link to a child’s background that can affect their development. * Family dynamics: Most children grow up in implies where as some other children may live in foster families or in care of the local authority.

Children who have strong bonds with their parents, brothers and sisters can gain confidence and may do better at school. When we have families that split up or often arguing, children and young people’s emotional and social development can be affected they may feel left out or uncared for. * Parenting styles: When being a parent it’s hard to know what to do there may be some parents that are too strict while others may be too relaxed. Some parents may find it hard to show their love to their children which can make their relationship strained.

Poverty: There are many reasons for poverty such as parents who struggle with money and may get much stressed. Lack of money could lead to can’t afford food, new clothing. Also they may not be able to afford to do things that can help the children such as buy a computer or take their children out on visits. * Culture/ Religion: Some traditions in families link to their religion or cultures. Children that grow up in families in strong religious beliefs can benefit because it gives them a strong identity. Other children may find it hard because their family may be different for their friends.

Health: This factor is a very complex issue quiet often health is a mixture between genetic make-up and doctors. In some cases children may be born Witt a condition that will automatically affect them. For example diabetes or blood conditions. Sleep: Sleep can have an influence on children’s development. Sleep is essential for children when children are tried they find it hard to remember new information and to concentrate. It’s important that children under 5 should get at least 12 hours sleep and teenagers need nine or ten hours. * Diet: Children’s growth can be affect by their diet.

A balanced diet will help children keep health and to grow. Overweight and obese is steadily increasing being overweight or obese can affect a child in many different ways such as strength in their bodies, prone to ill health, social and emotional development (bullying) and they may lose confidence. * Environment: Where children live or grow up is often linked to their background. It can also have quiet an effect on their development. * Language and interaction: Children need plenty of opportunities to talk with adults and other children. This will help children to develop their language which in turn helps them to learn and think.

Safety: Children need to be kept safe but still need a chance to explore. Good environments are safe ones for children but there are ones that are still challenging. 2. 2- Children may have advantages and also disadvantages when it comes to development. There may be children and young people who need extra support. Getting support quiet quick will make a difference to the child. This will mean supporting the parents by giving them advice or practical help. Within my setting we have child with limited speech and still wears nappies. His speech links to the EYES to the age of birth- 11 months. To help the child I would speak to my line manager.