Understanding the expected pattern of development for children and young people from birth O- 19 years. The sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth – 19 years. Areas of Development Physical Communication Social/Emotional/Behavior ; Intellectual/Cognition Moral: For a more detailed synopsis of how the child may develop at different ages of their lives see attached Appendix l. The difference between sequence of development and rate of development and why the different is important. The Sequence of Development are the scales of the skills.
Each child should develop these in the order stated above; however, the rate at which the child will develop their skills will differ from others and this Is Important to remember as no two children are the same. This rate will be dependent upon many different factors and Influences In the child’s life, el health, home life, abilities, parental time, routine etc. The factors that influence children and young people’s development and how these affect practice. How children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of personal factors. Development can be delayed by many different factors in the child’s life.
When factors are delayed they can also have a knock on effect on the learning of other factors. Personal Factors. The two prime internal factors that affect children would be; Disabilities – both mental and physical. A younger child with a sensory impairment, ‘e. A sight defect or a hearing problem will have more difficulty learning than one that has no Impairment. This may have a knock on effect on their confidence In school, asking the teacher for clarification when they have not heard or when they can’t read the blackboard. The child may be too worried to speak up through fear of being mocked by their peers or simply being “different”.
A further knock on effect on their ability to make friends and could therefore promote bullying for being a loner. This in turn will have effects on the scales of development inhibiting communication, social, intellectual and morals through later life. A child that develops a mental or physical set back in their teenage years should be more established in their understanding, their morals and their behavior at that stage. Networks of friends at that time are normally established and will also be more supportive. Although still a setback, this will not have such an effect as If the child was a younger age. Child Development By Sarah’s 969
Understanding the expected pattern of development for children and young people ; Moral: differ from others and this is important to remember as no two children are the same. This rate will be dependent upon many different factors and influences in the A younger child with a sensory impairment, IEEE. A sight defect or a hearing problem will have more difficulty learning than one that has no impairment. This may have a knock on effect on their confidence in school, asking the teacher for clarification when they have not heard or when they can’t read the blackboard. The child may be too have such an effect as if the child was a younger age.