Child development grid

When parents, elected officials, and other adults make decisions, they should think about what impact their choices and actions will have on children Article 4 (Implementation of Rights): Governments are responsible for translating the Convention’s provisions into action. Article 5 (Parental Guidance): Governments should respect the rights and responsibilities to parents, tarantellas, and guardians to care for their children. These adults should help children learn about their rights, including how to use them in an appropriate manner. Article 6 (Survival and Development): Children have the right to live.

Governments are responsible for making sure every child grows up healthy. Article 7 (Name and Nationality): All children have the right to have a name, nationality and, It possible, to know and be cared for by their parents. Article 8 (Preservation of Identity): Children have the right to an Identity- an official record of who they are. Article 9 (Separation from Parents): Children have the right to live with their parent’s. Children who do not live with their parents or whose parents are separated or divorced have the right to remain in intact with both parents.

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Article 10 (Family Reunification): Parents and children who live in deferent countries should be allowed to move between those countries in order to remain In contact with one another and possibly reunite as a family. Article 11 (Kidnapping): Governments should have legal measures in place to prevent children from being taken out of their own country illegally. Article 12 (Freedom of opinion): children have the right to form and express an opinion. Adults, when making decisions that affect children, should take into account children’s opinions.

Article 13 (Freedom to Intimation): Children nave the right to request. Search tort and share Information, provided that the information is not harmful to them or others. Article 14 (Freedom of Thought. Conscience and Religion): Children are free to think, develop d belief system and practice their religion as long as their partaking In these freedoms does not interfere with the rights of others. Article 15 (Freedom of Association): children have the right to gather together and Join groups, provided that their activities do not threaten public safety.

Article 16 (Right to Privacy): Children have the right to privacy. Governments should enact and implement laws that protect children from attacks on their privacy, reputation, family, home, and way of life. Article 17 (Access to Information): Children have the right to access Information that enhances their overall well-being. Sources of Information Include radio and television programs, books and newspapers, and childhood-appropriate Web sites, Information should be composed in child-friendly language and provided In multi;linguistic formats.

Article 18 (Parental Responsibility): Both parents share responsibility tort raising their children ornaments should elf parents tilt TN responsibility by ensuring they have access to support services, such as child care facilities. Article 19 (Protection from Child Maltreatment): Governments should make sure that children are appropriately cared for and are not being physically, psychologically or sexually abused or neglected by their parents or other careers. Governments should establish agencies/organizations to identify, investigate and record incidents of abuse and neglect.

Article 20 (Protection for Children without Families): Governments should provide appropriate, alternative care for children who Anton be looked after by their own families. Children should be looked after by people who respect their ethnic, religious, cultural and linguistic background. Article 21 (Adoption): Children have the right to a family. If children are in care they should only be adopted if it is within their best interest. Article 22 (Refugee Children): Children who have been forced to leave their homes and seek refuge in another country have the same rights as children born in that country.

Governments should make sure these children are protected. Article 23 (Children with Disabilities): Children with disabilities such as physical, emotional or developmental impairments are entitled to all the rights in the Convention. Governments should ensure that these children receive the care and support they need in order to lead full independent lives. Article 24 (Health): Children have the right to quality health care including access to safe and clean water, nutritious food, an environment free of pollutants and other hazards, and educational programs that help children to remain healthy.

Wealthy countries should assist developing countries in providing health- elated services to children. Article 25 (Periodic Review of Placement): Children in alternative care have the right to have all aspects of their placement reviewed on a regular basis. This should be done in order to ensure these children are receiving the best possible care. Article 26 (Social Security): Governments should provide social assistance to children (and their families) living in poverty. Examples of support include school lunch programs, housing assistance, and Medicaid.

Article 27 (Standard of Living): Children have the right to a standard of living that fosters their hysterical, emotional, social, communication and spiritual development. Governments should provide assistance to parents, families, and guardians who have difficulty in providing for their children’s needs. Article 28: (Right to Education): Governments should provide children with free, compulsory primary education. They should also increase children’s ability to access secondary and higher education.

Wealthy countries should help children in poor countries to do so. School administrators, teachers, and other staff members should not punish children by subjecting them to physical or emotional abuse and neglect. Article 29 (Goals of Education): Governments should ensure that a child’s education allows him/her to develop to his/ her fullest potential. Whether children receive an education in a school setting or are home-schooled, they should be taught to respect the values of their own culture as well as those of others.

Article 30 (Children of Minority and Indigenous Groups): Children belonging to native groups have the right to learn about and participate in their cultural customs and traditions, practice their religions and speak in their native languages. Article 31 (Leisure and Recreation): Children have the right to lax, play and participate in a variety of age-appropriate cultural, artistic, and recreational activities. Article 32 (Child Labor): ornaments should protect children from engaging in work that is dangerous, inhibits their ability to obtain an education or Jeopardizes their health and overall development.

Governments are responsible for setting a minimum age limit for employment and regulating the hours Article 33 (Drug Abuse): Governments should undertake all measures necessary to protect children from the unlawful use of narcotic and psychotropic drugs. Article 34 (Sexual Exploitation): Governments should employ all measures necessary to protect children from all forms of sexual exploitation and abuse, including prostitution and involvement in pornography. Article 35 (Abduction, Sale and Trafficking): Governments should execute all measures necessary to protect children from being abducted, sold or trafficked.

Article 36 (Other Forms of Exploitation): Governments should ensure children are safeguarded from being exploited or subjected to any activities which threaten or harm their well-being. Article 37 (Punishment and Detention): Children cannot be arrested, detained or imprisoned without warrant. Governments should ensure that children who break the law are not tortured or subjected to other physical forms of punishment. Children who are imprisoned should not be housed with adult inmates. They have the right to remain in contact with their families.

Article 38 (Armed Conflict): Governments should undertake all measures necessary to protect and care for children affected by war. This includes putting in place safeguards which prevent children under the age of 15 from being recruited into active combat. Article 39 (Rehabilitative Care): Governments should roved physical care and psychological treatment services to children who have been victimized by abuse, neglect or exploitation. These services are to restore the dignity, health, and self-respect of the child.

Article 40 Punitive Justice): Children accused of committing a crime have the right to due process of the law. This includes the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, the right to legal assistance, the right to a trial and freedom from being compelled to testify or enter a guilty plea. Governments are responsible for establishing the minimum age for which children can be punished for the crimes they commit. Prison sentences should only be imposed if a child is convicted of a most serious offense.

Article 41 (Respect for the Highest Standards): If the laws of a particular country offer better protection to children compared to the standards put forth in the Convention, then these laws should remain in effect. Article 42 (Knowledge of Rights): Governments are responsible for informing children and adults about the CRY. Articles 43-54 (Implementation Measures): These articles relate to how Governments and Nags should work together to implement the CRY and ensure that the rights of all children re protected and promoted.

The United States is one of only two countries in the world that have not ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRY). Somalia-?a country without an internationally-recognized government-?is the other. The Children’s Rights Division has focused its efforts on U. S. Practice in three areas that fall measurably short of standards included in the Convention on the Rights of the Child -?conditions for children in the Justice system, detention of children by the Immigration and Naturalization Service and the use of children as soldiers.