Child Language Development and Aquisition

‘Analyses and comment on the development of Hollies and Mean’s language’ The scenario of Hollies and Anew Is that they are both role-playing the situation of a shopkeeper, which perhaps they have experienced via their parents and are now carrying It out using their own Imagination and memory, This Is present towards the very end to the transcript, where Anew says “Hollies not give you money’. This has been said due to perhaps a contextual influence, as the use of as the idea of money would have come from a past experience_ Omission is immediately present with the word “the” to objectify the noun “shopkeeper”.

This Illustrates the the child has yet to learn more grammatical rules. Anew also substitutes the word “me” tort using the wrong pronoun, although he does show signs of possessiveness. Anew also repeats Hollies name, which perhaps could be a sign to gain attention. Hollies uses short utterances and back-channeling to begin with, although this changes des the conversation progresses, and perhaps she either gets more Into character, or simply gains more confidence. She begins to use transactional talk and gains politeness. Gain perhaps things she has Inherited via experience, which Is in ‘Nine with Chomsky theory of language – that It Is In tact Innate and Instilled within us, and we learn language via experiences that trigger these innate abilities and allow us to pick It up. After her short utterance, Hollies begins to use declaratives along-side her politeness, which gives the impression of her beginning to understand the context. Whilst Anew has a tendency to utilize lots of omission and missing out rods, Hollies seems to have a much better understanding to grammar, using words such as “I’d” and “That’s”.

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This could perhaps indicate that Hollies is slightly older than Anew, or that she has been exposed to more adult communication than Anew, and has picked it up from more experiences. 30th Hollies and Anew repeat names often, for example Anew straight away says “Hollies Hollies” and Hollies does the same when Laura is introduced. This could be the child trying to maintain attention in the conversation, however is also common for hillier to repeat the word more than once, as the repetition also aids In helping the child associate a word to a particular object or action.

The frequent usage of the child’s name allows the child to understand and respond to the correct call also, The use to simple sentences by both children highlights how the children have picked up sentence structure without too many over-complications, such as “Don’t go home yet Hollies”. More of the grammatical errors tend to manse when the children attempt to say more complex sentences. After Hollies makes d more stern comment. Don’t talk to Laura Anew” she perhaps tells as it she may have been a bit aggressive, and upset Anew.

Therefore in an attempt to restore Mean’s positive face. She almost goes off on a complete tangent saying “l love you everyone” as a more positive approach. Perhaps she again has picked up on the “l love you” inducing smiles into people whom say and receive it, and therefore has attempted to reciprocate Child Language Development and Acquisition By lampposts The scenario of Hollies and Anew is that they are both role-playing the situation of a arraying it out using their own imagination and memory.

This is present towards the very end of the transcript, where Anew says “Hollies not give you money’. This has would have come from a past experience. “shopkeeper”. This illustrates that the child has yet to learn more grammatical rules. Anew also substitutes the word “me” for “l”, using the wrong pronoun, although he changes as the conversation progresses, and perhaps she either gets more into gains politeness, again perhaps things she has inherited via experience, which is in nine with Chomsky theory of language – that it is in fact innate and instilled within allow us to pick it up.

After her short utterance, Hollies begins to use declaratives words, Hollies seems to have a much better understanding of grammar, using words Both Hollies and Anew repeat names often, for example Anew straight away says child trying to maintain attention in the conversation, however it is also common for children to repeat the word more than once, as the repetition also aids in helping the child’s name allows the child to understand and respond to the correct call also.

The use of simple sentences by both children highlights how the children have picked up sentence structure without too many over-complications, such as “Don’t go home yet Hollies”. More of the grammatical errors tend to arise when the children attempt to After Hollies makes a more stern comment, “Don’t talk to Laura Anew” she perhaps feels as if she may have been a bit aggressive, and upset Anew. Therefore in an attempt to restore Mean’s positive face, she almost goes off on a complete tangent, and therefore has attempted to reciprocate it.