Childrens development

Know the main stages of child and young person development Throughout the early years, children will grow and change. Planet was a major theorist psychologist who developed stages to understand cognitive development. When we talk about normal development, we are talking about developing skills like: Gross motor: using large groups of muscles to sit, stand, walk, run, etc. , keeping balance, and changing positions. Fine motor: using hands to be able to eat, draw, dress, play, write, and do many other things.

Language: speaking, using body engage and gestures, communicating, and understanding what others say. Cognitive: Thinking skills: including learning, understanding, problem-solving, reasoning, and remembering Social: Interacting with others, having relationships with family. Friends, and teachers, cooperating. And responding to the feelings of others. Physical O- 3 Years From birth up to two months babies can grasp simple reflex movements such as sucking and grasping. From two to four months they develop into opening and closing fingers repetitively.

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From four to eight months actions and movements such s kicking tee to move a mobile is developed. Eight to 12 months movement becomes more coordinated Into more complex sequences. Actions take on an “Intentional” character such as baby putting bottle to their mouth. At 12-18 months they discover new ways to produce the same goal, such as toddlers pulling d ball toward them so they can roll It. There Is evidence at 18;24 months the toddler can start to problem solve a sequence of events before actually responding. For example they can take a toy out of a cupboard If it’s not In sight and play with It.

Language, Communication and Intellectual Babies start to communicate by crying to display discomfort or hunger and also by smiling. They learn to communicate with hand movements. Sounds, and words. Two to four years brings increased use of words, but speech is egocentric. They can think about something without the object being in front of them by using language to describe it. They are developing strong Motor Skills. This time is also known as the “terrible Two’s”. Children use concrete, hands-on experiences to help them understand the world around them.

A toddler dropping peas on the floor may be trying to understand, “If I drop this, what happens next? ” Social, Emotional and Behavioral Development Babies are born social creatures. From their earliest days, they begin to connect to and collect information trot their caregivers. Babies seek relationships that engenders trust, security, and hope. From around 6 months possessiveness and Jealousy can take effect. Physical 3 – 7 Years Most 3-year-olds move with more confidence than toddlers and are able to run, jump, throw and climb.

They are good Witt their fingers, are able to hold crayons, pens etc. Boys and girls do not develop the same way “boys edge in height and weight and it continues until puberty when girls take over the boys. ” Language, Communication By the time they turn three, they are quite good at reading facial expressions. Most children this age can articulate how another will feel if they don’t get a coveted toy (disappointed) or if they are left alone (scared). By their third birthday they can talk clearly so anyone can understand them. They can also tell Jokes and enjoy invitations.

Social, Emotional and Behavioral Development By aged 7 children can have a best friend and have concerns about not being liked. They take turns and play co-operatively with friends. They can dress themselves and understand rules Physical 7- 12 Years Around this age they are able to Run, Jump, skip, hit a ball, climb and swing. Enjoy playing team games by age eight, may misjudge their abilities before age nine This is when you start to see physical changes in their body. Girls aged 11 can start puberty while boys will generally follow.

Language, Communication and Intellectual Aged twelve there is evidence for organized and logical thought process. There is the ability to classify many tasks, order objects in a logical way. Thinking becomes less egocentric and they are capable of more complex problem-solving. Thought becomes more intelligent, including the rules of formal logic. The ability to generate abstract propositions, multiple assumptions and their possible outcomes becomes clear. Thinking becomes less tied to concrete reality. They can determine career paths and ague their points and like to read to themselves.

Will need help in tackling the complexities of spelling. Social, Emotional and Behavioral Development A very important part of growing up is the ability to interact and socialize with others. During the school-age years, there will be a transition in the child as he or she moves from playing alone to having multiple friends and social groups. While friendships become more important, the child is still fond of his or her parents and likes being part of a family. Developing understanding that certain kinds of behavior are not acceptable and why and a strong sense of fairness and Justice.

Physical 12- 16 Years Young people will also see many physical developments changing the appearance of their bodies. Everyone’s rate of growth is different. During adolescence, coordination and strength increase greatly. Adolescence for boys usually begins later than for girls and usually occurs around fourteen years of age. However, at the end of this growth period, boys are usually bigger than girls. Boys at this age are beginning to develop sex characteristics such as deep voices and body hair and also experience muscle Roth and start to take on a manly physique.

Adolescence for girls after initial breast budding around the age of 10, a girl’s breasts gradually begin to swell. Her pubic hair will begin to grow. Their bodies become more rounded, developing the curves of womanhood. Language, Communication and Intellectual Their logical thinking ability is also maturing and they may enjoy practicing their new intellectual and verbal skills through debating, They are capable to ‘banter’ and sarcasm. During adolescence, young people increasingly take personal responsibility or finances, accommodation, employment and interpersonal relationships.

This period is the start of the process of transferring responsibility from parental shoulders to the maturing adolescent. Social, Emotional and Behavioral Development More than anything, they need reassurance, the teenager may become self-conscious as changes in their body shape take place, dour occurs and possibly acne develops as a result of oilier skin. Emotions are constantly shifting, moving them between childish needs and adult desires; this is because their bodies and emotions are experiencing drastic changes.