Crane Development

In edition, our company getting big, we have to enroll workplace capacity. This current location for specific employees and now we are working here exceeded capacity work place. Also we rented multiple locations for company activities. According to Mr.. Ron Kale the president of Crane Development, company was losing business 2 years ago and company had experienced limited growth over the past decade. The president believed lack of growth was separation of headquarters. It depends on multiple locations; it is effective communications was difficult. Therefore, Mr..

Ron Kale decided to relocate company headquarters, and who bought architectures company about relocate our company headquarter. We will relocate from our current location to Des Monies, Iowa and company will provide all expenses for relocate and support all employees about relocate conditions. Operation department created relocate schedule and graphics. We planned to start relocate January 1, 2015 until June 1, 2015 and moving department by department. Crane Development companies all 6 departments separated 3 group two by two. Each group spends 2 months for relocate. 1 group – Operation Department and Human Resource Department, January 1- February 29, 2015. 2. 2 group – Financial Department and Accounting Department, March 1 – April 30, 2015. 3. 3 group ; Manufacturing Department and sales Department, May 1 -June 30, 2015. Our new location Is working and living good conditions, different cultural environments, and that give you many advantages. We mentioned above company provide all relocating expenses and referenced relevant facts about relocate. 1. Company will provide: Relocation expenses – limit 94. 000 per family

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Assistance in finding comparable housing ‘ Off Assistance in selling Memphis homes Job listings and employment agency contacts for spouses Assurance of comparable or better Job Crane Development employees ; Job location assistance to employees who choose remains in Memphis. 2. Des Monies may be an excellent place to live for some employees because of the following factors: ; Strong real estate market Cooler summer weather ; Good schools ; Lower cost of living Low crime rate 3. The move may be less desirable for some employees for the following reasons: ;

Colder winters Too far from family and friends ; Move will cost too much money Need to adjust to a different cultural environment. We hope that you will actively involve in resettlement activities and keep your Job, improve your career and grown companies develop more than present with your colleague. If you have any request about relocate please feel free management team or Contact (7820 459 1234 and relocaterequest@cdevelopment. Com. Sincerely, (sign) Max Holy-Hero, Head of Operation Department, Crane Development LLC.