Cues Customers Seek in a New Website

Even if they do not review all product categories – it influences trustworthiness? C) If the company is specialized in the product that they are looking for? ) Only the product characteristics and page of the product that they are looking for matters? HI 5: Having a Physical Store? A) One is enough? B) Many is Important? C) Not very relevant? HUH: Payment Options and Security of transaction a) SSL protocol b) Papal (as a source of secure transactions) c) Straight pay with a credit card What reactions I would expect towards each Hex: 1. This is something that is very important – requirement, which can override others 2. This is something that is important – requirement, which can be compromised with 3. This is something that is a “box to be checked” – it’s nice to be there, but not crucial 4.

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This is something that I wouldn’t care about Websites: ) Website for Shaving – http://www. Contradictoriness. Com/Default. Asp? N.B.=elk B) Website for Nutrition supplements – http://www. Puppy’s. Co. UK c) Website for Menswear – http://www. Menstruate. Co. UK d) Website for Male Shoes – http://www. Brannon. Co. UK/men e) Website for Menswear – http://www. Testosterone. Co. UK/ a. Website chosen will be little known and have different strong and weak points Questionnaire: Hello, I am Denial, what is your name? Nice to meet you… Introducing my self.

The topic that we will be researching today is: “How do YOU estimate how trustworthy an unknown website is. Do you confirm that you agree to take part in this study? Thank you greatly for agreeing to take part in this study. You are allowed to decline to answer any question, if you feel it is too personal and you can stop the interview at any point. But in general I am aiming for a nice and enjoyable conversation over 5 websites. In order for the experiment to gain meaningful results I will let you do most of the talking and I might insist at some places that you clarify your words further, so there Introductory Questions: 1.

How many times per week, would you say, you browse the internet looking for teems to buy? 2. Do you usually buy products from unknown brands and vendors? 3. Could you rank in order of strength of interest the following categories of products: Formal shirts, Shaving and Grooming , healthy living, healthy living supplements and male shoes? The first being the category you are most interested in and the last – the least. 4. What is your favorite career? 5. What is your favorite spare time activity or hobby? 6. Do you like shopping online? 7. Would you share a new purchase with your friends? 8.

What are your thoughts on websites using videos and dynamically changing intent to grab attention? K that was great :)) Now let’s start with the review of the websites at hand. You will be able to freely browse the website for 30 seconds on your own and then we will start discussing it. Just a little note: For the purposes of this study we will not differentiate much a “brand” and a “website”. (1 . Because a website is a brand itself; 2. Because the websites sell their own brands) The general questions for all of them will be: 1 . Have you seen this website before? 2. Would you consider this website for placing a purchase?

If yes – why, if no – why not? 3. Is there something wrong with the website? What? 4. Is there something missing, that you would like to see? 5. Can you suggest some improvements, in order for the website to look better?