Current Ethical Issue in Business

Current Ethical Issue In Business The ethical system at work for key Individuals In the organization Is virtue base ethics. The reason for virtue base ethics approach focuses on the integrity of the applicant than on the moral aspect itself. This is why many employers use a background check system. The main tool they use in this process is social network web sites like Backbone or Namespace.

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Many employers are realizing that social network is a method to use to figure out the type of character an individual is. With posting of strictures and the way a person communicates tells a lot about an individual characteristic. With social media the employer can watch what you are doing anytime, even after you have been employed. Your manager can watch you Internet activity, which makes virtue base ethics approach a good tool to use in making a decision on employees ethics and morals for the company.

Organizational leadership has a higher standard of ethics to uphold. The leadership team Is representing the company. They are the ones who focus on boosting moral and promoting continuous improvement to their managers. With these high standards of ethics funneling down from executive management to the lower level employee’s, this why social media is used in the workplace to make sure they made the right decision on employing or keeping an individual employed.

The middle management will perform and make decisions that represent honesty, integrity, and ethically on behave of the executive management who represents the company and its brand their trying to sustain. The issue if it is k for employers to use social network to make a decision on an employee or potential employee. I believe this a good tool to use in to determine If an individual Is appropriate for the company that Is being represented.

The ethical system at work for key individuals in the organization is virtue base is a method to use to figure out the type of character an individual is. With posting of anytime, even after you have been employed. Your manager can watch you internet has a higher standard of ethics to uphold. The leadership team is representing the employee or potential employee. I believe this a good tool to use in to determine if an individual is appropriate for the company that is being represented.