Customer behaviour

Behavior Deflection: A response of an Individual or group to an action, environment, person, or stimulus of doing things. You do things in a particular way because of the way You feel You want Other people treat you. In a customer service transaction the behavior of a customer and the behavior of the employee Is affected by the way they treat each other. Meeting or exceeding the expectations of the customer is vital to the long term relationship between the customer and the organization. Positive working relations will often begin with the way you communicate with the customer.

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Your behavior Is very Important In creating a first Impression as what the customer thinks about you in the first few seconds of dealing with you will influence the entire experience of dealing with you and your organization. The little things do really count. Below Is an example of behavior that would come across as a bad impression: No eye contact Not interested, not friendly, not confident, new to job Frown Unhappy, angry, disagreeing, disapproving Fidget and fiddle Nervous Cross arms Defensive, unwilling to listen Slouch Too casual, has no respect

Speaks loudly and quickly Aggressive Speaks softly Not confident, not sure on facts Uses out of date literature untrustworthy – incorrect information Wears snagged tights / Generally dirty and unkempt unprofessional, uncaring, not fit for the Job Have badly applied make-up Tries harder but could do better Paying no attention to detail, your organization doesn’t care enough / has no money to put things right. All these behaviors apply Just as much throughout a customer transaction as they do at the beginning. Communicating with customers relies on many things:

Dealing with a customer’s promptly The tone or manner in which you deal with the customer The messages you give them Your body language Listening skills The ability to deal with problems as they arise Verbal and Non-verbal communication Always approach a customer with a smile or a greeting, depending on whether face to face or on the telephone. Try to build a good communication with a customer from the beginning, either by looking at their body language or listening to them. Turn your whole body towards the customer and not Just your head.

This shows that oh are interested in what they are saying Make eye contact with the customer – it shows that you are interested and honest. Make sure you have listened and remembered what they’ve said. ( Write it down) Don’t show signs of boredom by tapping a pen or fiddling. When you give information, be confident and accurate – say what you can do rather than what you can’t. Listen to the customer – Nod your head at appropriate points when the customer is talking to show that you are concentrating on what they are saying. Know the limits of your authority Seek agreement from the customer Be polite and courteous at all times