Development conception to birth

Little did they know they would create a baby girl with the same short temper as her father, on en of many festive evenings that the couple shared, Elizabeth conceives a child with Adrian. His semen entered her vagina and the sperm traveled through the cervix and body of the uterus into the fallopian tubes. In the fallopian tubes, the egg became fertilized. The one sperm goes directly into the egg and gives genetic material. The egg rejects any other sperm and is now identified as a zygote. Throughout the next few days the single cell zygote divides several times to form a ball of cells called a moral.

The cellular division continues and d small cavity Is formed between the cells. At this point there Is no growth In the embryo’s size the divisions create smaller cells, eave days since fertilization. The blastoffs reaches the uterus. The embryo hatches from Its protein shell and performs Implantation onto the endometrial long to the mother’s uterus. At week tour, since conception, the gestation is Just three weeks old and is now a one week old embryo. Around this time the embryo’s head is beginning to form followed by the nose, eyes, and mouth. The baby’s cardiovascular system is also beginning to develop.

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A little blood vessel that is intended for the heart beat is begging to pulse! It is well into the ninth week of gestation and the embryo Is now 18 mm in length and all essential organs have at least begun. At this point, the embryo Is entering d new stage of becoming d fetus. The neural tube Is now developing In the brain and the spinal cord and neurons are created. The nipples and hair follicles are now present and the position of the elbows and toes can be seem Elizabeth is now noticing a change in her healthy Her slight mood swings and constant nauseous feeling causes her to visits local doctors office for a physical.

In finding out that she is now 10 weeks pregnant, Elizabeth decides to rustically change her lifestyle. Her doctor informed her of the pivotal stage of pregnancy that she is now entering, the fetal stage. The embryo has now become a fetus. The fetus Is now human and its gender was determined by the doctor at Elizabeth and Adrienne discretion. It’s d girl! The Important parts of the fetus continue to grow at a rapid pace even though they have been slowly developing within the first nine weeks The fetus Is now not as prone to damage since the beginnings of the organs are now developed.

Throughout the next two weeks, the baby girl’s facial eaters continue to progress. The outside structures of the ear make their final shape. The baby girl has a head that takes up nearly have of her size. Now that the face is fully formed the eyelids close and will not open for weeks to come. At about twelve weeks since conception the tests’ tinier nails and bones are visit el. B Elizabeth goes for a check-up and is informed that the baby is now about an ounce in size and that an abortion is highly unadvised at this point. Elizabeth continues to eat in moderation and takes prenatal vitamins in hope of a healthy and happy baby girl.

It has been 17 weeks since conception and Elizabeth is having restless nights because her baby girl is now beginning to kick. The baby is now about half a pound and the external genitalia have finished developing. What once appeared to be male parts are now definite female genitalia. Elizabeth is very excited about the growth of her new baby and has been taking her prenatal vitamins regularly. It is now 22 weeks since conception and the baby now has hair on her head. The lungs are now beginning to develop and the fetus is more active with increased muscle expansion.

As the fetus grows at such a rapid pace, Elizabeth begins to come up with names. Out of all her chooses, Adrian is the one her husband likes the best. His reasoning is pretty apparent. Week 27 comes very quickly and baby Adrian has progressed significantly. Her nervous system develops enough to control some body functions. Her eyelids can finally open and close! The respiratory system has progressed to the point where gas interchange is possible. At week 29 she is now able to breathe. Her lungs and bronchioles develop. The interlinking of her brain’s neurons begins. The main functions of the brain turn on for the first time.

Some brain waves can be determined and baby Adrian can feel pain at this point. At week 33, baby Adrian is now 1. 5 keg. She is about 15-17 inches and her body fat is rapidly increasing. She has rhythmic breathing and movements that occur. Her lungs are still not fully mature, but her thalami brain connections have mediate sensory input that has formed. Weeks 36 to conception are the most difficult for Elizabeth. The fetus is considered full-term at the end of the 39th week of gestational age. The langue is gone except on the upper arms and shoulders. Baby Daring’s fingernails extend beyond fingertips.

There are small breast buds are present on both sexes. Her head hair is now coarse and thickest. Towards the end of week 39, Elizabeth wakes up within the night with extreme cramps. She and Adrian head over to their doctor to see if it is time to deliver. Unfortunately for Elizabeth, the doctor says she has a long way to go. Her contractions are only in the first stage of delivery. The doctor examined Elizabethan cervix and since it was still long she was not ready to begin labor. Over the course of four to five more hours of painful contractions and heavy breathing techniques,

Elizabeth has finally entered the second stage of delivery. Her cervix is now fully dilated and she is ready to push! The head is fully engaged in the pelvis and the widest diameter of the head has passed below the level of the pelvic inlet. The fetal head then continues to move further into the pelvis, below the pubic arch and out through the vaginal opening. This is assisted by Elizabethan additional maternal efforts of “bearing down” or pushing. The appearance of the fetal head at the vaginal opening is termed the “crowning”. At this point, Elizabeth feels an intense burning or stinging sensation.

Since this is Elizabethan first child, this process of pushing takes a little longer than most deliveries. She has chosen not to take any labor easing medicines and is going through a natural birth. At a slow yet steady pace, Elizabeth finally delivers baby Adrian with Adrian by her side. A loud cry erupts in the room as baby Adrian enters the world. Adrian cuts the umbilical cord and they send baby Adrian Otto be cleaned. The doctor immediately delivers the placenta to prevent Elizabeth from becoming sick after birth. Adrian is a healthy bib 3 oz. With eyes like her dad and a nose like her mothers.