Education: High School and Community Development

Although schools and the communities they serve are closely entwined and immunity development is In the best interests of schools, why may school leaders be hesitant about involving schools and students In important community development roles? 4. Of all social Institutions, why might schools be best placed to catalyst community development? 5. What are some likely results of school consolidation ...

Social taboos

Carmen (1978) as cited In Allowable (1987) also defines education as the deliberate systematic and sustained effort to transmit, evoke or acquire knowledge, attitudes and values, skills ND sensibilities and any learning that results from the effort, direct or indirect, intended or unintended. There are a lot of positive aspects that help with the relationship between education and national ...

Education and Development

Once the Greek philosopher Aristotle said," the natural purpose of education is for the attainment of good life or the enrichment of the quality of life and that the state was there for the promotion of good life for Its citizens". It means that states should promote the good life that education Is aimed at, therefore states should have the responsibility of providing education for Its citizens. ...

Economics of Development : Fair Trade

Caroline Joseph Doran writes of the ethical value of buying Fair Trade in re Journal The Role of Personal Value in Fair Trade Consumption. ' 2009. Doran focuses on the role of the consumer on Fair Trade success, the dissatisfaction about the 'financial return' given to the producer and the benefits that Fair Trade has on the livelihood of the producer make it the more appealing choice for the ...

Economics Notes: Economic Development

Economic Development - Changes in income, savings and investment along with progressive changes In socio-economic structure of country Economic Growth - Economic growth refers to an increase In the real output of goods and services In the country Globalization refers to the Integration between different countries and economies to operate as a single CEO entity Can achieve CEO growth by CEO ...

Economics and National Development

The term National development is very comprehensive. It includes all aspects of the nation. It is dynamic and revolutionary development. National development is the total effect of all citizens' forces and addition to stock of all physical, human resources, knowledge and skill. National development is growth plus change; change in turn is social, cultural, and economic. It is qualitative as well ...

Economic growth and economic development

Economic growth and economic development Like the infrastructure development, improvement of legal mechanism Can now be regarded as the most important precondition for sustainable Growth, a stronger economy, and pro-people system of governance, writes M S Squid Economic development generally refers to sustained and concerted actions, taken by the policy-makers and communities, which promote the ...

Economic Development: Markets Stocking up Unnecessary

"There are too many unnecessary products in the market". What is your opinion? Why? The economic development led to the increase in demand of consumers. The manufactures always looking for the shortage of function of products to create a new ones. While there are lots of useful goods is produced, there are some unnecessary goods. Nowadays, we have some products that we had never thought about it ...

Economic development in pakistan

When Pakistan was formed In 1947, the new state had to start almost from a scratch. The areas which constituted Pakistan were mostly agrarian and backward and were dominated by a few feudal landlords. The few Industries It Inherited were based on either handicrafts or on processing of agro-products. The country industry and trade were again largely under the ownership of Hindus and Sikhs who left ...