Developmental Milestones

Find ways to soothe your child when emotions run high. When fearing something that shouldn’t be fear, show them they shouldn’t be scared. 3. Respond actively to language and gestures. Treated: when speaking a word, such as cup, point to the 1 _ Play independently, oaten imitating adult actions. Strategy: Set a good example tort your child, as they will start imitating and mocking the things that you say. 2. Express negative emotions including anger and frustration Strategy: Don’t coddle the child when angry or frustrated, it may spoil them and think they can get their own way when they throw a tantrum. 3. Initiate play activities Strategy: Set up play dates with children around their age to encourage them to be more social, and help them learn to shore.

Cognitive and Language 1 . Starts to babble and mimic the sounds you make. Strategy: Make sure you make regular attempts to talk to your baby. Your baby Is more sensitive to your tone of vow-LLC and may heed your warning when you tell her “no. ” Strategy: Ensure you are only telling your child “no” when she is, indeed, not doing something you want her to do. 3. She also knows her name now and turns to look at you when you call her. Strategy: Hold her close and talk to her, making sure to say her name. 1 . Starts talking more.

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Strategy: Ask her to find objects for you or name body parts and objects. 2. Imitate the actions and language of adults. Strategy: Set e good example for your child. You don’t want them staying or doing Inappropriate things because they saw mommy doing It. 3. Can point out familiar objects and people In a picture book strategy: Playing games with your child that involve matching similar items together. Behavior 1. Respond to their environment with facial expressions Strategy: Show your infant different things to gauge how they react to them. 2.

Begin to imitate facial expressions Strategy: Make silly faces when interacting with your child. 3. Understand the differences between animate and inanimate objects Strategy: Allow lots to time in a play area, even time with your pets. 1. Starts to understand simple concepts such as space and dimension Strategy: Let them put together basic puzzles. 2. “Terrible twos” may begin; willful, stubborn, tantrums. Strategy: Don’t coddle, enforce time outs, and Just breathe, it doesn’t last forever. 3. Starts to understand the concept of potty training.

Strategy: Slowly start to introduce your child to the potty. Typical development in infants has many factors. Each child develops in the same way, though may be at different times. For example, one child might start crawling at 6 months; another may not crawling until 9 months. They both start the same way, just at different times. Factors that affect typical development are family life, socioeconomic status, and learning environment, Just to name a few. (Title, 2011). It is important that as parents you provide a relationship and environment that is stress/anxiety free.

Health practices are important for typical development. A child thrives on structure, even though they may not realize it. They should have a pattern for eating, sleeping and playing. If you allow them to Just run free and do these things when they wish, it only leaves more problems when they are older. I live with a prime example of this. My sister in law lets her children run the house basically. They do what they want, when they want, and refuse to listen to anyone when they are told otherwise. There are always temper tantrums at bedtime.

When they are told that it’s time to come in from playing outside, they completely disregard their parents and do what they want. They grew up with absolutely no structure, so now they think that they are older, they are allowed to do as they wish. I feel as though that socioeconomic status is the biggest environmental factor that affects development. When you fall into lower SEES, you often can’t afford to provide he proper nutrition, proper health care, and they often live in a high stress environment.