Digital Bangladesh: A Developmental Strategy

‘Digital Bangladesh’ is a recent but significant term added to the development strategy to the country. It is an ambitious concept adopted by the biggest political party, the Aaron League, In their election manifesto for the last national parliamentary election In 2008. The present government under the bold leadership of Sheikh Hassle has taken the landmark step to bring a radical change In the lives of millions of people by 2021 by using sophisticated science and technology in every field.

In its election manifesto Miami League mentioned that It is determined to fully implement the concept titled Vision 2021′. Distillation is the process of implementing various initiatives, including e-governance, e-commerce, 100 percent literacy rate, sanitation. Low mortality rate, high life expectancy, employment generation and making people skilled human resources through orientation of the use of computer as well as internet. Digital Bangladesh Is a dream vision of bringing digital change in every sector.

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It is a process of digitizing everything in our national life. Our lifestyle, daily activities, business transaction, communications, entertainment, studies, consultation, etc. Would be performed online. It is a process to synthesizing the common people to the widespread use to internet in their daily elite to gear up the wheels of our overall socio-economic life. Economically and Industrially developed countries are fully dependent on digitization process. They perform almost every activity In their dally life online.

They have remarkable reduced paper institution by using online process of exchanging documents and Information. Educated people have to play a vital role in discharging their duties and responsibilities in this regard. They have to work together with the government to Its goal of building a digital Bangladesh. If the process is successfully implemented. It will bring a horizon of ray and hope for millions of people through their active participation in various development activities. We would be able to fight poverty. Above all, we need to change our mindset to make it happen.