Economic Survey

If yes, please state the name’s of such cooperatives: 2. What strategies the cooperative shall implement to ensure the support of the members? Collective purchases Commitment on lending policies Active participation in cooperative affairs (please specify) 2. Are you intending to transact business with: a) Members only b) members and non-members: 4. What business activities the Cooperative plans to undertake during the first three years of its operation: Year . 4 Financial Aspect Second a. In pursuing its economic activities, how shall the Cooperative generate its capital? Hare Share Capital Subscription Deferred payment of patronage refund/interest capital (Revolving Capital) Acquisition of Loans/borrowings Solicitation/acceptance of donations, subsidies, grants, etc. Fund raising activities on b. How much is the Cooperatives initial operating capital? C. Strategies for internal capital build-up. (Please copy from Article VII Section 2 of the By-laws) 2. Revenue Projected revenue based on the initial operating capital. First Year . Second Year . Third Year: 3. Expenditure How much is the estimated expenses, for: 4.

Investments Does Cooperative intend to invest in the following? Cooperative bank Federation Joint ventures 5 Technical Aspect Mutual Others (specify) 1. What equipment/machineries/facilities are deemed necessary for the effective and efficient operation of the Cooperative? (please check) Typewriter Computer Tables Chairs Calculator Vault/Safe Filing Cabinet Medical Instruments Warehouse Milling Farms Equipments Post Harvest Equipments Solar Dryer Fishing Equipments 2. How would the Cooperative procure its equipments/machineries/ facilities?

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Cash purchase Loans Donations Other models (specify) 3. What skills/experiences/trainings are deemed necessary for the operation of its equipments/machineries/facilities? 6 Organizational Structure 2. What qualifications/skills the Board of Directors should posses to enable them to formulate sound policies, strategies and guidelines which would ensure the success of the Cooperative? Should I Position Compensation be hired by the Cooperative? I Status of I Appointment I I Manager Accountant Bookkeeper Cashier Collector Sales Clerk I Min. Educe.

I Experience/Training I(Permanent, Contractual, Full-Time, Part-Time, Volunteer, etc. ) 3. What are the Cooperatives education programs for: 1) Members 3) Staff I Monthly 2) Officers 4. Who are the Chairpersons and members of the following committees? A) Audit Conciliation 2. 3. B) Election c) Credit d) Education & Training e) Mediation and g) Others, Specify We, the Founding Board of Directors, hereby certify that the foregoing Economic Survey was prepared in accordance with the facts, information and other ATA we believed vital to the success of the initial operations of the Cooperative.

Chairperson BODY Member 201 in exhibiting or me their valid proof of Identity. Philippines above faints Names Place of Issue Notary Public Doc No. : Book No. : Page No. Series of 201 I Proof of Valid Identity I Office and information provided in this survey and may require the proponent to modify, revise or amend the whole or any part thereof if necessary, or, if found to be economically unfeasible, deny the registration of the Cooperative.