Economics of kenya

Democracy can be defined first and foremost as a system of government that involves the replacement of government officials through free and fair elections that are characterized by active participation, protection of human rights and of all the tizzies in the nation and done by majority rule either exercised directly or through elected representatives. Democracy can also be defined as a system of government which constitutes of four elements: 1) Political system – This is the choosing and replacement of government through free and fair elections. ) Active participation of the people in a nation as citizens in political and civic life. 3) Protection of human rights of all citizens. 4) Rule of law in which the laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens In addition, democracy can be defined as majority rule, in other words, a government y the people exercised either directly or through elected representatives. It’s a state economics of Kenya By massage in which supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them, or by the elected agents under a free electoral system.

These are the rules governing democracy; they include: 1) Rule of law It expects every citizen to obey the law whereby no one is above it and anyone who violates it is held accountable. In other words, democracy dictates that the law be equally, fairly and consistently exercised. This may also be referred to as the due recess of law. 2) Accountability All elected leaders should be held responsible for any actions they take as they are accountable to the people who elected them; that is, officials should be able to make decisions based on the welfare of the people and not their own. ) Transparency In order for democracy to be effective it requires that citizens are aware of what their government is doing. This is achieved by holding public meetings and allowing citizens to attend. This allows them to formulated a well informed opinion about matters of state that require their attention. ) Bill of rights This consists of the freedoms and rights guaranteed to all citizens of a country. The rights protect the citizens from abuse of power. The court has power to enforce the bills, which can limit the power of government and impose duties on individuals as well as organizations.

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This is only possible so long as democracy is exercised in a country. 5) Accepting the election results Every citizen should accept the results of elections. Often, the losers believe the candidate was short changed and are reluctant to accept the leader from the opposition. In order to have an effective government and maintain peace, the results of the elections need to be accepted and adhered to by all parties in a state. 6) Regular free and fair elections Democracy insists that all elected leaders should be chosen in a free and fair manner.

For free and fair elections to occur, every individual should have the right to stand for government office and no obstacle should exists which may make it difficult or stop people from voting. For example, the government should ensure equal distribution of resources to cater for all voters in all areas I. E. Remote places. ) Multi- party system This is where multiple political parties are expected to participate in an election and play a role in government. It allows for the losing party to act as opposition to the governing party and as a result, helps the ruling party consider different points of view on issues affecting the state.

Multi-party provides voters with the varied choice of candidates, parties and policies. If a country has a single party, then it may be considered dictatorial form of government. 8) Equality It means that all persons are values equally, have equal opportunity and may not be criminate against due to their religion, race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation, among many others. In a democratic government everyone should be entitled to practice their rights, have different cultures, personalities, languages and beliefs. 9) Political tolerance society is enriched by diversity.

This is to say that the rights of minorities in a society should be protected, since they may possess meaningful ideas which may differ from the majority, but may offer more insight into a situation. ROLE OF THE MEDIA IN PROMOTION OF DEMOCRACY Media is a public forum or channel through which information is disseminated lovably either electronically or by print I. E. Through newspapers, television, radio, periodicals. Media plays a very crucial role in a society. It acts as a backbone of a democracy since it creates awareness about various social, political and economical activities that happen around the world.

In other words, it acts as a platform and mirror which shows us the truth and transparency of what takes place internationally in various systems of government. This allows us to compare the practice of democracy in various countries. Secondly, media acts as a reminder in a democratic society. For example, it reminds politicians about their unfulfilled promises during the electoral period, it helps the electorate choose the right candidate and finally compels politicians to fulfill their promises in order to maintain their positions.

It acts as a watchdog to ensure that violations of democratic procedures are highlighted and rectified within public view. In addition, it acts as a mode of surveillance in a society where the press is on constant alert for any irregularities in the democracy process. Media educates the illiterate masses by making them aware of all the events taking lace around them. For example, during elections, media educates people on how and why they should vote thus promoting vowing as a democratic process.

In addition, media acts as an informer as it is required to disseminate information in a true and unbiased manner in order to let the public formulate their own opinion on a matter. As an informer, media keeps the normal citizen up to date on the matters of state and national development. Media acts as a mediator ,that is, it bridges the gap between the government and the people. As a result it is possible for media to manipulate the opinion of the people. That is, they are able to make, shape and break opinions and images of people.

Lastly it acts as a spotlight, shedding light on any malpractices or injustices committed by government as well as by influential personalities. In a way media keeps the abuse of power by government and powerful personalities in check. On a negative note, however, media houses may be biased for example during electoral campaigns, the media house on or majority of the staff in charge of comment may be inclined towards one party. As a result most end up being subjective and favoring their party of choice in public view by giving one party more airtime than the other, for instance.