Father of development

Rack Hussein, which is known as the Father of Development (Papa Panamanian) due to his efforts in setting up Barista National, and also known as a leader that believes in young blood, and that young people are the key to the future of any country. He was the one responsible for hand placing Tuna Dry. Empathic and eventually mentoring him which led to him becoming the 4th Prime Minister of Malaysia and became another great leader to the country just like he himself. Tuna Abdul Rack Hussein was also responsible in setting up many key economic policies that was aimed at eradicating poverty in the nation.

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Back when the country Just got its independence, Tuna Abdul Arkansas the Minister of Rural Development which he then went on to formulating the development policy known as the Red Book. He was such a good man that I personally came to adore. Tuna Rack was an active person even during the time of his study. During his student days In England, Tuna Rack was a member of the British Labor Party and a prominent student leader of the Sustain Namely Great Britain (Malay Association of Great Britain).

He also formed the Malay Forum, an organization for Malay students to discuss their country’s political issues. Upon his return from the United Kingdom, in 1950, Tuna Rack Joined the Malay Civil Service. Owing to his political caliber, he became the youth chief for united Malay National Organization (MONO). Two years later, he worked as the Assistant State Secretary of Pang and in February 1955, at just 33 years of age, became Pang’s Chief Minister. Tuna Rack stood in and won a seat in Malaysia’s first general elections in July 1955 and was appointed as the Education Minister.

After the general elections in 1959, he became the Minister of Rural Development in addition to holding the portfolios of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, which he held from 1957. The most significant components that what make Malaysia brief tenure, many attributes of Malaysia – social, political and economical – were Tuna Abdul Rack Hussein’s handiwork, an achievement emulated only by Tuna Dry Empathic Mohammad. Tuna Rack charted the development of the nation physically, politically and socially – the after-effects of which are felt and witnessed to this day.

Townships spruced up during his time, including Fettling Jay, the country’s first satellite town. The country embarked on an “agriculture revolution”, which saw it becoming the world’s largest producer of rubber. The Rubber Industry Smallholders’ Development Authority (Rises) was established for this purpose, while another natural resource – oil – was exploited to the maximum, with the setting up of Petroleum National Bertha (Patrons) – which is today a Forbes-listed entity.

The electronics industry also saw tremendous growth, with Malaysia becoming a main manufacturer of electronic components. Tuna Razors development policy that has come to be known as the Red Book is the foundation on which the nation was built. The New Economic Policy (NEAP), introduced in 1971, has helped many banqueters escape a life of poverty – although t is today criticized for creating loopholes that allow the policy principles and spirit to be hijacked by the rich to become even richer.

He and the “second generation” of Malay politicians saw the need to tackle vigorously the economic and social disparities which fuelled racial antagonism. The NEAP set two basics goals – to reduce and eventually eradicate poverty, and to reduce and eventually eradicate identification of economic function with race. The NEAP was Tuna Razors way to eradicate racial distrust that came too boil during the May 13, 1969 racial riots – an incident which accelerated his Journey to the top.

The tragic event resulted in the suspension of the Constitution and the birth of the National Consultative Council, which headed by him. His political legacy includes the Barista National, which was founded in 1974 to replace the Alliance. It was also Tuna Razors simple yet demanding conditions for a clean and efficient administration that set the standards for the civil service which even today, the civil service struggles to achieve. Due in part to leukemia, Tuna Abdul Rack died on 14 January 1976 while seeking medical treatment in London.