Foundation of Development Management in Comparison

Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Development Management started way back when development was on a rise in the now-developed nations. It was necessary for the then developing nations to apply the strategies of development management In order to check, control, and organize the Roth being experienced In order to ensure a balance In growth of that nation.

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Development management was necessary/importance because of factors like the equitable distribution of the nation’s wealth and scares resources in the society, also to ensure and promote economic growth as well as the social transformation of the populace in terms of social amenities, health, good and affordable education, culture etc. Lastly and most importantly, development management seeks to promote and Development?

Development according to the Incarnate Dictionary is “the process of changing and coming larger, stronger, or more impressive, successful, or advanced, or of causing somebody or something to change in this way’. A basic perspective equates development with economic growth. Achieving human development is linked to a third perspective of development which views it as freeing people from obstacles that affect their ability to develop their own lives and communities.

Development, therefore, is empowerment: it is about local people taking control of their own lives, expressing their own demands and finding their own solutions to their problems. What is Management? Management on its own according to the Incarnate Dictionary is “a term used to describe the techniques and expertise of efficient organization, planning, direction, and control of the operations of a business. ” Business Dictionary defined Management as “The organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives”.

Management is often included as a factor of production along with machines, materials, and money. Management has its functions as Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling. Planning is determining the foreseen goals and strategies on how to achieve them, Organizing is deciding where decisions will be made, who will do what Job and task & who will work for whom. Our third management function leading, involves inspiring & motivating others to work hard for the achievement of set goals and objectives.

And lastly, Controlling is monitoring progress towards goal achievement and then taking corrective actions when progress isn’t being made. Foundation of Development Management Development Management according to Chris (Die, 2013) “is a strategy employed by developing to guide or control and regulate the process of development (the recess of changing and becoming larger, stronger, or more impressive, successful, or advanced)”. T emerged after the 2nd World War (Immediate Post World Period – 1945). Development Management came about to address some of the issues nations where facing at the particular time (The Immediate Post World War Period), issues such as Political Imbalance and Ineffectiveness, Educational Backwardness, Technological Obscurity, Economical Instability and lots more, which Economics and Economist alone could not fully address.

Development Management was aimed at integrating ideas of politics & economics in pursue to establish equitable distribution f scares resources amongst the nation. It also aimed at promoting Economic growth, aiding Social transformation (which was at a backward motion at the period), help increase the living standard of citizens and individuals, etc. Modernization Theory (sass’s, early sass’s) In pursue to manage development, deliberations were made and theories were propounded, one of which is the Modernization theory.

Modernization theory of Development Management was first propounded in the late sass’s towards the early sass’s, and was the first attempt to articulate the problem of development in terms of he need to transform the backward “traditional” nature of third world economies into “modern” economies. It aimed two areas, I. E. Events that are Beneficial and Modernization was derived from the idea of PROGRESS which stated that; People/ Humans can develop and change their society by developing themselves and through Technological Advancement and Economic change that can lead to changes in moral and cultural values.

Dependency Theory (late sass’s, early sass’s) Dependency theory according to Chris Annie Die stated that “underdeveloped nations provide natural resources and cheap labor (without which developed nations loud not have the standard of living they enjoy today) void equitable compensation but Just little token’s they see as insignificant and worth giving away to the underdeveloped nations. The theoretical trust of the dependency perspectives was that capitalist penetration leads to and reproduces a combined and unequal development of its constitutive parts.

Similarities between both Theories First of all, it should be said that Dependency theory was developed in response to Modernization theory out of sheer criticism of the latter theory by the supporters of Dependency theory. Naturally, this fact determined the principal difference between Hess theories, but, nevertheless, there are still certain similarities between Modernization and Dependency theories.

Speaking about the similarities, it is primarily necessary to point out that both theories pay a lot of attention to the gap existing between developed countries and undeveloped ones belonging to the third world. To put it more precisely, Modernization and Dependency theory stand on the ground that Western countries are the world leaders due to their higher level of development, which affects practically all spheres of life, including economic, political, social, and even cultural life. As a result, there exist a strong link between developed and developing countries.

Furthermore both theories state that the experience of developed countries is followed by developing and undeveloped countries, which basically develop in the same direction as developed countries but still they cannot catch the latter up and remain in the rearguard of the world development. In stark contrast, developed countries play the key role in the development of the entire world and the integration of all countries of the world in the global economy is one of the major ways of interaction between developed and evolving countries and both theories agrees that this interaction constantly increases.

At the same time, both Modernization and Dependency theories underline that the relationships between developed and developing countries is unequal and there exist a kind of dependence of developing countries on developed ones, though the views on this dependence vary considerably. Nevertheless, both theories underline the dominant position of Western countries in the modern world and leave little room for the alternative ways of the development but the western one, which is dewed as the only way of the development of the future world in the context of the global economy.

It is worthy of mention that both theories are ethnocentric in a way because they practically ignore the possibility of the alternative development of developing countries but, instead they insist that the development of western countries will be the example developing countries, willingly or not, will follow, while, at the same time, they do not really admit the alternative ways of development of countries of the Third world.

Difference between both theories In spite of existing similarities between Modernization theory and Dependency o estimate that these theories are antagonistic in their views on the development of the world and international relationships, especially on the relationship between developed and developing countries. In fact, differences between Modernization theory and Dependency theory result from the origin of Dependency theory which, as it has been already mentioned above, was developed in response to Modernization theory.

On analyzing existing differences between the two theories, first of all, it is necessary to underline that Modernization theory views the development of the oral and relationships between developed and developing countries as the relationships of potentially equal countries which are Just at a different stage of development at the moment. To put it more precisely, Modernization theory stands on the ground that western countries are well-developed and western way of development is viewed as the most successful and perspective while there is practically no other alternatives to this way of the development.

Basically, developing countries should follow blindly the example of more developed western countries and this will bring them economic, social, and cultural prosperity. Naturally, to achieve this goal, developing countries should develop their cooperation in all spheres of life, including economy, politics, culture, education, and social relations, with western countries, while the latter, being more advanced compared to developing countries should help them achieve the highest level of development through education, technological assistance and consulting of countries of the Third world.

In such a way, this theory views modernization of socio-economic and political life of developing countries on the basis of the example of western countries as the only possible solution of the problem of backwardness of poor countries since western way of development is, according to Modernization theory, is the only correct way to prosperity. In stark contrast to Modernization theory, Dependency theory underlines that relationships between developing and developed countries are based not on the growing cooperation between them but rather on the dependence of developing countries on developed ones.

In such a way, unlike Modernization theory, Dependency theory does not view the choice in favor of western way of development as the panacea from all problems or as a conscious choice that is really purported by the population and elite of developing countries but such westernizes of developing countries is viewed as a violent interference of developed countries in the life of the Third world.

Naturally, such a policy leads to the growing dependence of developing countries on developed ones and, therefore, makes the socio-economic breakthrough impossible. In contrast, Modernization theory believes in its possibility due to the modernization of socio-economic and political life of developing countries and their closer cooperation with developed countries, which is supposed to be a conscious and willing act of developing entries looking for ways to prosperity.

Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is possible to conclude that Modernization theory and Dependency theory are similar in their views on the modern world. To put it more precisely, both theories admit the leadership of undeveloped countries are characterized by socio-economic and political backwardness. At the same time, the two theories agree that the cooperation between western countries and developing countries is constantly growing and leads to their integration.

However, it is necessary to underline that Modernization theory sews such cooperation and integration as a conscious and voluntary act from the part of developing countries, for which modernization in the western style is the only way to overcome the existing backwardness, while supporters of Dependency theory argue that such cooperation and integration is imposed to developing countries by more advanced western countries, which simply attempt to benefit from their cooperation with developing countries and their westernizes becomes a way of the establishment of control over and growing dependence of developing countries on plopped ones.