Hostel Management

The application wizards, menu editor and data reports etc is very much useful for creating very good professional software. The Mamas” part refers to the method used to create the graphical user interface (GU’). Rather than writing numerous lines of code to describe the appearance and location of interface elements, you simply drag and drop pre-built objects into place on screen. If you’ve ever used a drawing program such as paint, you already have most of the skills necessary to create an effective user interface.

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It revolves around ready-made objects and it is event-driven that is all the activities in a aerogram are triggered by one event or another. Each object has its own properties, determining its position, size, color, appearance and nature of its text and much more. Each object also has its own event-handling procedures. Visual basic knows what a button is and how it works? It also works how to handle images, menus, dialog boxes, drive and directory list and much else. The programmer does not have to write code to trap these events the system does that automatically because the program code runs in response to events.

Student details ; Attendance details ; Room details ; Mess modules Students details: This module consists of the details of the student such as roll number, name, date of birth, address, phone number, year, degree, room no, department name and etc. Here the details are entered and are updated. Use case diagram is a diagram that shows the interaction between user and system to capture the user’s goals. Attendance details: In this module,attendance details are maintained. Hence the Upton date attendance of the each students are maintained. Collaboration Diagram.