Human Resouce Management Homework

Briefly describe what each category contains. Strategic HRS Management: Maintains competitiveness through planning, metrics, and technology EYE (Equal Employment Opportunity): Compliance and diversity with laws that affect all other aspects of HRS activities Staffing: To provide lapelled workers to fill a job In a business or organization.

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Talent Management and Development: to provide different types of training , as well as succession planning ,career planning and, performance management Total Rewards: Compensation in pay, incentive and benefits Risk Management and Worker protection: Health, Safety, Security and, disaster recovery planning all have to meet legal requirements Employee and Labor Relations: involves the relationship between employer and employees and how it must be handled legally and effectively. 2. The textbook describes the concept of organizational culture.

In your words please explain this concept and why It’s Important. The concept of a organizational culture to me means that everyone within an organization needs to have the same opinions and views so they can maintain a certain stability within an organization. Its important because it will provide an all around better outcome for employees and employers alike as well as better products and customer satisfaction. 3. Use your words to explain the concept of productivity. Why do you think HRS is concerned with this? Briefly describe four methods used by HRS to enhance productivity.

To have better products and more of It using less cost. You want to be the most effective and productive In human resources and if affects the profits. 4. There are four basic types of challenges that affect the management of human resources in business. For each one of those (listed below), explain the importance and describe some of the specific challenges that are faced. A. Economic and Job Changes: Challenges are faced when the economy goes down because people lose jobs and become less available. The jobs that do remain require a lot more training and education. . Globalization: This faces a challenge because in HRS Management your main objective is to lower cost and increase productivity, but at the same time we need Jobs to remain In the US c. Workforce Demographics and Diversity: Them importance of demographics and diversity is to make sure non discriminatory practice are being followed according to law. D. HRS Technology: This serves two purposes one is administrative and the other is strategic HRS planning meaning the technology Is being used in place of Just Intuition or opinion .

What are the three basic roles of human resource management in an organization? 1 OFF clerical administration and recording keeping Operational and Employee advocate: Managing most HRS activities and serving as champion for employee problems and questions Strategic: Helping to find the best option to fix a problem with a solution 6. What does it mean for an organization to have a strategy? Why should the HRS strategy and overall organizational strategy be closely related?

It means for the organizations to grow and survive, how to compete successfully and follow its reposition. They should be closely related because the main objective of bit should be to succeed as a whole. 7. We will discuss an organization’s strategic planning process in class. You will take notes on this then. 8. Organizations will, at times, have too many workers or not enough workers. The text describes methods used to deal with these. Use your words to briefly explain the different methods used.