ACTIVITY 2) The principal consultant was right to consider building up the UK market in the way she attempted, but she should have consult with the head office and job appraisal and backing. Having internalise is not enough ground to implement, she should have presented her finely and initiative decision and management for their approval. If they did not approve, there is little she could do because she is their employee although she applied her efforts and abilities in ways that further the achievement of the organisation goals as well as satisfy her own need.
The expansion would have provided a broader rage of work and the opportunity for training and growth. These developing motivation processes will help to ensure that individuals deliver results in accordance with the expectations of management. ACTIVITY 3) Link between management and employee. They could relate to UK employee fear and expectation because of their knowledge of the law, UK market condition and UK employment law and reputation. Role of Representative (Trade Union / Employee Representative Role) 1. Responsible for plant negotiations.
2. Involve in setting and resolving collective grievances 3. Represent individual employees with grievances or disciplinary matters 4. An employee representing group in the UK company, will provide information regarding future projects plans and researching, and would feel that they had some way of putting forward their views of how to run the company. ACTIVITY 4) They should have had in place procedure for dealing with discipline and dismissal of employee. In this case the following steps should be follow. INTRODUCTION
The procedure will apply to all classes of staff, whether full-time, part-time or temporary. This procedure has been devised to operate according to the principles of natural justice and the recommendations of the ACAS Code of Practice on Disciplinary procedures and to be applied as speedily as any necessary investigations will allow. This is to provide a framework to be used by management to correct and improve a member of staff’s poor conduct or performance. THE PROCEDURE This procedure covers only the action, which are taken under the formal stages as set out below.
If a member of staff is in breach of the terms of service or fails to meet acceptable levels of performance (expect in cases of gross misconduct) a designated officer, having, previously reminded the person of the right to be represented, the stage of the procedure and the reason for the interview, will interview him and inform him of the stage in the disciplinary procedure. If the designated officer is satisfied that in all the circumstances a recorded oral warning is warranted, an oral warning should be given. The staff member should also be advised of the further disciplinary action that will be taken if there is no improvement.
A description of the oral warning must be recorded and the individual should be invited to sign that the record is accurate. Any refusal to sign should also be recorded. STAGE 2 If following a recorded oral warning under stage 1, a member of staff gives further cause for management complaint about the conduct or performance, a designated officer will arrange to interview him, advising him in writing of the right to be represented, the stage of the interview and the nature of the reasons for the interview. The person must then be given an opportunity to state his/her case.
But if the interviewing officer is satisfied that management’s complaint is justifies, a warning will be given, to be confirmed in writing in 7 working days, outlining the offence and stating that any further failure to improve standard or conduct will result in further disciplinary action being taken which could lead to dismissal. STAGE 3 – FINAL WRITTEN AND POSSIBLE SUSPENSION. Further disciplinary action. If despite previous warnings, an employee still fails to reach the required standards in a reasonable period of time, it may become necessary to consider further disciplinary action.
Or if the misconduct is sufficiently serious to warrant only one written warning but insufficiently serious to justify dismissal (in effect both first and final warning), a final written warning will normally be given to the employee. The supervisor will keep a copy of this final written warning but it will be spent after months subject to satisfactory conduct and performance. Alternatively, consideration will be given to imposing a penalty of a disciplinary suspension without pay for up to maximum of five working days. STAGE 4 – DISMISSAL
If conduct or performance is still unsatisfactory and the employee still fails to reach the prescribed standards, dismissal will normally result. Only the appropriate Senior Manager can take the decision to dismiss. The employee will be provided, as soon as reasonable practicable, with written reasons for dismissal, the date on which employment will terminate and the rights of appeal. APPEALS A member of management who is more senior than the manager who initially administers the disciplinary action conducts the appeal.
If he or she wishes, a fellow employee of his or her own choice may represent the employee at the appeal. Appeal against summary dismissal or suspension should be heard immediately. Appeal against dismissal with notice should be held within two days. No disciplinary action that is subject to appeal is confirmed until the outcome of the appeal. If an appeal against dismissal (but not suspension) is rejected at this level, the employee has the right to appeal to the chief executive. The head of the HR and the if required, the employee’s representative should be present at this appeal.