There are many factors that the human resource department must consider when arranging to fill a vacancy and here is the result that I and my class produced through a brainstorm: It is very important to find out if the position can be filled internally before having to go through the extra process of recruiting. This is because less time would be spent on recruiting outside William Hill also a great deal of money is being spent which is increasing the companies variable cost. If an employee can’t be found then it would be necessary to recruit externally due to the vacancy has to be filled and then the whole recruitment and selection process will have to be accomplished.
William Hill has to consider if they will use the same remuneration package as they do for other positions that are most likely depending on the area of vacancy due to London Weighting Allowance. Also this has to be written on the job advert because majority people are motivated by money especially since they worked had to gain qualifications, which are required for many post. The remuneration package that William Hill provides is salary base but also includes bonuses that are P.E.R.C’s.
The salary is very competitive because many of rivals companies’ employees do manage to find themselves over to William Hill due to the rate of pay and pension scheme. Anyone that was appointed recently would have the chance to gain cheaper shares in William Hill before being listed on the Stock Market. Potential employees do look at this aspect of a company before applying for it so that is why William Hill have made their pay package very attractive for instance I am only contracted for twenty-eight hours and at the end of the month I 176.40, not bad for a student!
William Hill personnel department will have to find out if the position required will be Part or Full time. This is because it is important filling vacancies, as they would need to find an employee that is able to work the hours essential for the William Hill to be operative. This would be clearly stated on the Job description in order for them to get the right person who can work the hours, which are available. Also stating this information is vital for the person who wishes to apply for this position because it gives them knowledge of what hours are required of them instead of wasting time applying for this position and then realise that these hours are impossible for them to work. This does not only become an inconvenience for William Hill’s Human Resource it also wastes company money especially once William Hill has employed this person.
It also should be taken into consideration where it is that William Hill wants to advertise the vacancy because it does help when recruiting to place the advertisement in a place, which is accessible and visible to all. This is because it enables William Hill to have different skilled and unique applicants and from this can choose the best candidate for the job. This gives everyone an equal opportunity also a wide range of applications for the Human Resource department to recruit and then select.
It is possible that even after you have reached the selection process the candidates may have not been pertinent with the position which William Hill are offering that means a contingency plan has to be thought of because this vacancy has to be filled. This plan is an alternative because it has to be accounted for by the personnel department, which could be to advertise the vacancy in a different locale to attract different people or state clearly what attributes that applicants are required to have in applying for a position in William Hill.
Job description Before William Hill’s Human Resource recruits new employees they usually carry out some sort of thorough job analysis because this then gives them a fair idea of what the job. This is done because current employees that are connected to that job area have different views of what that job involves. Five categories are used to analysis the job, these are: Task analysis – this looks at the study of the task that has to be carried when doing their job, which results in an objective being achieved. For example in William Hill the Managers of a Licence Betting Office (LBO) has to report on how many customers bet on different events each day like dogs, horses, football, Irish Lottery etc.
Activity analysis – this involves activities, which make up the task both physical and intellectual demands of the job. For instance before the Manager reports on the different events he or she may need to understand how to use the computer to present the result in tabular form. Skills analysis – this is a study of skills that are needed to do the job, such as mathematical skills or the ability to work with others.
Role analysis – this would be information gathered from the jobholder, superiors and colleagues. The duties, responsibilities and behaviour expected from the jobholder are discussed to produce a role description. Performance analysis – this attempt to set the criteria that will be used when evaluating how well a manager at an LBO carries out their job, which means identifying standards and expectations.
Once Human Resources have analysed what the vacancy entails it is then important for them to draw up the description of the job. This describes what the job is to internal employees and prospective candidates. The need for it is so that it can be referred to if there is any dispute about an employee’s responsibilities also to ensure that the job fits the needs of William Hill therefore aid personnel to decide on qualities that successful candidates must have. (As I am a Cashier at William Hill Plc my job description is on the next page.) A job description generally includes the following: